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Open drain without pull-up

We can differentiate these alternatives, omitting others that would need extra hardware: Set the pins in OUTPUT mode, and switch between HIGH and LOW. This will produce short circuits when the ...
the busybee's user avatar
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Open drain without pull-up

A pull-up resistor is absolutely needed for open-drain communication. Whether you read the pin or not is irrelevant, as someone has to read it, otherwise there would be no communication. If the device ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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LED fade with LDR sensor depending on the light

Your code is able to change the LED color based on the LDR sensor value, but to achieve the fading and breathing effect, you need to add some control logic, such as a fading function. You can take a ...
Hugh Davenport's user avatar
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Sketch always appears to show data one iteration of main loop behind

I've solved the problem. It's because I was using the wrong value in the shift routines, ie I was using current_frequency instead of previous_frequency. After all, I want to know what the frequency ...
prd4wc's user avatar
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