3 votes

Arduino Digispark ATtiny85 conditional logic not working

I am confident I solved the problem and think I know why it occurs. PB1 on the digispark Attiny85 has a built in LED. This LED is still active when I run my code. The LED is dim, but consuming power. ...
jmarywien's user avatar
2 votes

Serial.println printing just after the previous string in same line

The previous print statements are these: Serial.println("Successfully connected to "); Serial.print(WIFI_SSID); The SSID won't be terminated by a newline. Perhaps you meant: Serial....
JRobert's user avatar
  • 15.3k
1 vote

Arduino Digispark ATtiny85 conditional logic not working

You would appear to have the incorrect physical pins connected to the switches: Pins 0 and 1 connect directly to ground when closed, otherwise I count on the pull-up resistors. However: PB0 is ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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1 vote

Serial.println printing just after the previous string in same line

To follow on from previous answer, your solution is to either: change the previous Serial.print() to a Serial.println() so that that text is followed by a line end, or add a \n to the front of the ...
user95861's user avatar

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