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Code for ST7789 NO CS pin - Using XIAO ESP32C3

I had a blank screen with 1.3 240x240 display (non-CS type) on XIAO BLE. Solved the problem by ungrounding the CS trace, then running a wire to a defined CS pin on the XIAO.
Bill Webster's user avatar
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ESP32 Partition size and maximum program size #2

With the ESP32 Arduino core 3.x it is relatively simple in that you include a custom partition file (partitions.csv) in the sketch folder. Of course you (probably still) have to remember to select &...
6v6gt's user avatar
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ESP32 Partition size and maximum program size #2

No, there is no way to find the partition size during compiling. As the code has nothing to do with the partition. You can check the partition size once your code is running.
Adriano's user avatar
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How do I install Firmata so I can access it through the IDE on a computer that doesn't have internet access?

The libraries are placed in the libraries directory, inside your sketchbook location. When you open the Preferences in the Arduino IDE there should be an option, where you can see the current ...
chrisl's user avatar
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Arduino IDE Failing to Compile Any Sketches

Error messages indicates there is an device spec missing somewhere in compiler directory structure. As all installed boards from Board Manager are stored outside Arduino IDE installation directories (...
KIIV's user avatar
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Arduino IDE Failing to Compile Any Sketches

I have seen that happen when you don't select a target (a board to compile to) or don't change the target when trying to compile code for the next one
Clóvis Fritzen's user avatar
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UNO R4, cannot open dfu device

The answer to the question is that the user does not have privileges to access the device. It turns out that is the meaning of the exit status 74. The solution, as kindly provided by ptillisch here ...
DrM's user avatar
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