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Integrated Development Environment - software that allows you to write and compile code. Use the arduino-ide tag for questions about the official Arduino software.

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Loop buzzer through 12khz too 20kz and show on LCD 1602 display with breadboard button and serial cmd

Well the title is the summary of my setup and its to see if it cancels out my tinnitus lol it actually does :) well I made progress with what you said, I can turn on my LED and loop through the Hz on ...
John Bates's user avatar
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2 answers

Arduino IDE Failing to Compile Any Sketches

OS: Windows 11 Arduino IDE Version: 2.3.2 I recently opened up my Arduino IDE to find that nothing--absolutely nothing--would compile. Whenever I tried, I got the following error message: Using board '...
Robert Goddard-Wright's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

FTDI with STM32

I'm using the Arduino IDE to program my STM32 using an ST-Link. Everything works fine, but I can't receive any data from the STM32 in the Serial Monitor. So, I decided to use an FTDI232 for serial ...
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Impossible to install the esp_camera library

I cannot install the esp_camera library. When I try to add the .zip, I get "does not contain a valid library. Everything about this ESP-32 Cam seems to rely on that library, and I can't find a ...
brunobhr's user avatar
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Arduino IDE Auto Format Error

Whenever I try to format a sketch in the IDE (1.8.19) I get this output in the terminal: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 'java.lang.String cc.arduino....
InkyDigits's user avatar
2 votes
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Arduino code working via IDE, not via PlatformIO Arduino code [closed]

I have a working Arduino code. The code works as intended when I upload it to an Arduino Nano using the old bootloader via the Arduino IDE. However, when I upload the same code via PlatformIO, the ...
DeXter's user avatar
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Arduino Output Panel Font Color Change

I am using Arduino IDE 2.0.3. When compiling code if there is an error it shows on a black background with a red font, that is hard for me to read. Can I change either the background or the font? ...
user224844's user avatar
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Program Arduino using Eclipse on Mac in 2022

I started experimenting with Arduino a few weeks ago. My host is Mac OS and I have used Eclipse for many years, so my first choice is to use an Eclipse plugin. The most recent discussion of the ...
user88094's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a way to strip a library from all unused parts and defines, automatically?

Say you want to investigate part of the code you use from a rather large library, but it's buried between all kinds of #defines and classes etc, that you're never gonna use in your code. Is there a ...
Gaai's user avatar
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1 answer

Permission denied on upload w/ IDE 2

Dealing with this very common issue on IDE v2.0.0., but not sure why. I should be fine group-wise: adm tty dialout cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin lxd sambashare docker I've also seen numerous ...
x1a4's user avatar
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Provide custom AVR dude commands through the Arduino IDE

Besides the standard upload button that burns the code using FTDI, I want to then be able to provide custom AVRDude commands for burning fuses, when the external programmer is used. Is this possible ...
user1584421's user avatar
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boards.txt - how to create sub-menu (NOT new board!!!)

Arduino 1.8.19 Is it possible to create a sub-menu inside boards.txt that would allow having the boards grouped for example by the manufacturer? If it is possible, please provide an example or at ...
Tomáš Viks Pilný's user avatar
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Using a Microchip Fubarino with the Arduino IDE, how to acces and configure all pins

I recently got a Microchip Fubarino, contains a PIC32MX250F128D and I'm totally new to the Arduino IDE, i uploaded the blink sketch all fine and well. Schematic: FubarinoMini_v15_sch // the setup ...
NaturalDemon's user avatar
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Add library to CLion project

I have a new project created with PlatformIO in CLion. I've copied the Servo-1.1.8 library into the include directory. #include <Arduino.h> #include "Servo-1.1.8/src/Servo.h" Servo ...
BanksySan's user avatar
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Random "Compilation error: Error: 13 INTERNAL: exit status 1". No clue how to resolve or even what causes this error

I am a beginner with Arduino. I have a program that is intentionally simple. The code refuses to compile, spitting out the error Compilation error: Error: 13 INTERNAL: exit status 1. I have gotten ...
Jacob Ivanov's user avatar
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Cant upload, port not found error, ubuntu 20.04 LTS

I have installed Arduino IDE on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I have installed it from the tar file (ie not from snap) and I have added myself to the dialout and tty groups. When I look at groups I get: adm tty ...
Andrew's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Arduino IDE not seeing Arduino library

Working on my first real Arduino project. I opened my code in the Arduino IDE and hit build and I get errors "not declared in the scope" on every single call to the Arduino library. For ...
Thom's user avatar
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Serial monitor window opens frozen

My serial monitor window opens frozen, without any output or possibility to input, or even activate the window. Sketch is very simple, but behavior is same even with empty sketch, so I assume problem ...
pavokraj's user avatar
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How do I resolve error message "assignment of function 'void digitalWrite (uint8_t, uint_8)"?

I am a beginner in using Arduino and programming in c/c++. I am trying to connect a 10-segment LED and a moisture sensor to my Arduino Uno, and when the moisture level is very low, the first 2 red ...
Arya's user avatar
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problems with Blue Pill (stm32f103c8t6) direct register manipulation

I'm trying to access registers but I keep getting the "was not declared in this scope" error message. I'm currently using the STM32F1xx boards from
Beacon of Wierd's user avatar
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Arduino CH340 Driver Problem

I'm trying to connect my Arduino Uno to the Arduino IDE in Windows, but the only way it works is with a CH340 driver. I am concerned about this as I can only find a download of it published by two ...
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Where is the Arduino IDE log file located? Not the Serial Monitor

"An error ocurred while uploading the sketch" I'm having this specific error when uploading a sketch to my board and the IDE doesn't specify the problem correctly. It's version is 1.8.13 for ...
John's user avatar
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Arduino IDE Serial Monitor - how to send NUMBERs - not charcters of numbers

Serial link send and recieves Bytes. Serial monitor at Arduino IDE reads it's input as character. So if I type '0' in serial monitor, then FW will read byte 48 - I don't want to implement some silly ...
Tomáš Viks Pilný's user avatar
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Displaying Keypad Input on TFT Display

For a project of mine I have always wanted to build an electronic load and I am mostly done. However I have found myself stuck at one part that I thought would be simple but has thus only caused ...
athoe's user avatar
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No Websockets Server for Arduino mkr1010?

I've seen some interesting explanations on using websocket comms on mkr 1010 but it's always handling the mkr 1010 as the client and the server being always a computer or some other "non-arduino" ...
Majid's user avatar
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I am facing a problem of firing multiple interrupts on nodemcu 1.0 on single rising edge pulse.what is problem and what are the solutions?

I am working on a project which involves counting the drops falling in a drip chamber of a IV fluid gravity based therapy bottle(saline bottle).I am using IR trans-receiver at the drip chamber to ...
CHETAN NIRADWAR's user avatar
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Managing configurations via EEPROM by writing it with the hex file

I've been looking into I2C bootloaders for an ATTINY coprocessor on a board I'm developing, and I ran into a bit of a snag. I have the need to detect what board the main processor's code is running on,...
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IDE finds multiple libraries

I don't understand Arudino IDE. Ever. This is a part of the compilation output: Alternatives for ArduinoJson.h: [[email protected]] ResolveLibrary(ArduinoJson.h) -> candidates: [ArduinoJson@6....
Mark's user avatar
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2 answers

Latest news about alternative Arduino IDEs

I simply hate the default Arduino "IDE". On Windows I use Visual Studio Code with the related plugin. Now I have a Ubuntu machine and I'm looking for the definitive IDE. Questions: I'm not sure ...
Mark's user avatar
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Arduino not starting after 1.8.10 update

First off sorry if this is the wrong place. Yesterday I updated the Arduino IDE to 1.8.10 and I was able to program a couple of hours. Powering up my laptop today though the IDE is active, I can't ...
Jorn's user avatar
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Alternative IDE for compiling and running arduino code?

I am not super experienced with c++ and I know that the syntax for C++ and the code written/compiled by the arduino IDE are slightly different. I would like to be able to write code, compile it the ...
Jordan Klaers's user avatar
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Is there a way to read real-time port selection on Arduino IDE when using third-party toolchain and uploading program?

I am using a third-party program to build the binary file and upload it under Arduino IDE's GUI, meaning I am not using the built-in avr-gcc nor avrdude for building and uploading. As there is a on-...
Simon X's user avatar
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4 answers

How do arrays work?

It's been days now I'm trying to figure out how arrays work in Arduino IDE. For better understanding, I assembled some pieces of code I found here and there to write this sketch: #define arrayLength(...
MrCabana's user avatar
6 votes
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Are there any alternatives to Tinkercad Circuits that is PC application based instead of web app based?

I have been using Tinkercad's Circuits web application to create my Arduino circuits and apply my Arduino code (c++) for testing. Despite the amazing product they have and the fact it's free, I find ...
Arvo Bowen's user avatar
4 votes
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Use std::list in Arduino programming

When trying to compile #include <list> std::list<byte> l = { 7, 5, 16, 8 }; in the Arduino IDE (with ATtinyCore for ATtiny4313), I get this message: error: list: No such file or ...
Basj's user avatar
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Arduino IDE: sketch window has become unresponsive

I am very new to all this, but have programmed in other languages using several IDEs. Last night when returning to a coding session, I noticed that the background of the sketch window had gone from ...
Chuck's user avatar
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Why the global variables info is not shown for Arduino Due in IDE?

If I compile a sketch for the Arduino Mega: Sketch uses 1804 bytes (0%) of program storage space. Maximum is 253952 bytes. Global variables use 188 bytes (2%) of dynamic memory, leaving 8004 bytes ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
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request for a member "X" in something not a structure or a union

i was programming a Self Balancing Robot, I am writing the code in vscode using platformio extension. when i put the code i need to get the angle out of the gyro in another file (named angle.c) ...
Allaw Hussein's user avatar
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Error "avr-g++: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory" When Compiling Script

Whenever I try to compile a script, the Arduino IDE throws the error avr-g++: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory. I've already tried reinstalling the IDE, changing the board version in ...
Snail Cadet's user avatar
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Arduino Nano 3.0 CH340G clone cannot upload sketch from Arduino IDE [duplicate]

I connected my brand new Arduino Nano 3.0 clone with CH340G and installed the drivers. It detects in Device Manager as USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM6). Under the Tools menu, i selected the correct board, the ...
DryRun's user avatar
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Arduino libraries development and Eclipse Soleber

I have a project on Arduino IDE. A .ino sketch with some extra .h/.cpp files and 2-3 libraries that I keep in ~/Arduino/libraries. In addition to the IDE I do open the libraries as generic project in ...
codeScriber's user avatar
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OTA mDNS issues with ESP8266 and PlatformIO?

The common useage of the OTA library for this MCU is to have it connect to a network, and to then use a computer on that network to upload firmware across that network. Due to either issues with ...
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vscode arduino integration errors

I'm just trying to understand how vscode can compile arduino sketch. Now I uploaded some sketch to arduino and it was fine. Now I'm trying to add my own header files to .ino sketch and I got weird ...
qqq's user avatar
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how to compile arduino sketch from termnial without using arduino ide

I want to know how can I compile and upload the arduino sketch from my terminal instead of using Arduino IDE. I want to use a different IDE for writing code.
Chang Zhao's user avatar
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Arduino IDE Board Selection for 32u4 on custom PCB

I am using a 32u4 on a custom PCB: 3.3v, 8MHz. Are there any operational differences between using the Sparkfun ProMicro selection versus the Adafruit ItsyBitsy selection in IDE, since they are ...
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Arduino Comms disrupted, prevents program loading (catch 22)

I have written some software which, when loaded onto an Arduino Micro, blocks communications for some reason. Lets stipulate that there is something wrong with it. Using the Ardiono IDE on Windows 10,...
NeilS's user avatar
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Where does arduino IDE store the latest board selection?

I'm building a tool to help me automate my uploading process. How do I know where Arduino stores the current preferences - which board, which com port, what serial speed? If devs are familiar with ...
user2949705's user avatar
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Where should a modified "pins_arduino.h" be stored for Arduino IDE compile?

Our PCB uses an ATmega2560 chip and uses most of the pins, including some that are not defined in the standard pins_arduino.h module, since that module only provides for the pins that are brought out ...
DavidCyr2000's user avatar
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Arduino IDE giving a blow to battery back-up of PC [closed]

When I have serial plotter open in the Arduino IDE with serial communication going on, the fans of my PC go full speed. On checking I found that Java(TM) Platform SE binary(32 bit) is using about 29% ...
MSD's user avatar
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General confusion about how to start

I want to test around with my ESP32 and an E-Paper display - yet i am stuck at uploading sketches via Arduino IDE. I get those kind of errors: avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: ...
Flying Thunder's user avatar