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Questions tagged [esp32-cam]

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How can I detect faces using an esp32 cam module and control a relay? [closed]

I am using the example code of esp32 called "camera_webserver" to detect human faces and control a relay. But I can't do it no matter how hard I try. Different online sources suggest that I ...
md rakib hossen's user avatar
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ESP32 can't handle trigger signal to take photo

The problem is, the following code doesn't work. If I am not using the if to check if there is a signal at GPIO 16, then the code is working. I'm using a ESP32-CAM module. It doesn't save a picture to ...
vukstudent's user avatar
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ESP32-CAM infinite boot loop

I am currently using an ESP32-CAM with an OV5460 camera, and I am interfacing it with my computer using an Arduino nano. I am trying to run a camera web server and using the Arduino example code. I ...
Kyle Hurst's user avatar
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How can I save an image from the ESP32-CAM to a separate SD card?

For a project, I need to take a picture with the ESP32-CAM, save it to an SD card, and then have the Arduino UNO access the image. I have the ESP32-CAM with OV2640 connected to the ESP32-CAM-MB, which ...
elvishpotato's user avatar
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Compressing grayscale image with ESP32-S3-WROOM Freenove

I have a ESP32-S3-WROOM module by Freenove which has a camera and a micro SD card module. I can take a snapshot as a PIXELFORMAT_JPEG photo. However, when I change the pixelformat to "...
BehicMV's user avatar
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-1 votes
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ESP32-CAM camera: SD help

I'm struggling with making a simple sketch to take a photo with an ESP32-CAM and save to an SD card. I have found a bunch of examples that that do what I want, but basically they just take a photo and ...
SV Savannah's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using ESP32CAM board but no face is enrolled

I was working on a project to use the ESP32CAM board to detect faces and open some sort of lock. The program can detect the face using the yellow box that shows up as you can see from the following ...
Wahaaj Nasir's user avatar
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1 answer

Triggering a picture with esp32-cam and GPIO13

I'm trying to trigger a picture using the GPIO13 of an esp32-cam, AI Thinker model. I'm using that example as a base: but ...
brunobhr's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Impossible to install the esp_camera library

I cannot install the esp_camera library. When I try to add the .zip, I get "does not contain a valid library. Everything about this ESP-32 Cam seems to rely on that library, and I can't find a ...
brunobhr's user avatar
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ESP32 Camera driver VSYNC query

We are new to ESP32 and Camera. We are facing issue in getting VSYNC event. We observed that if we change fb_count (frame buffer count) value the VSYNC behavior is changing. Our understanding is, ...
Abhay Kondru's user avatar
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Uploading code to ESP32 using Arduino OTA

im trying to upload my code to my esp32 through OTA iam able to discover the network port but my code is always failing to upload i donno the reason behind it #include <WiFi.h> #include <...
Abhay Kondru's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possible to use flash encryption in esp32 in Arduino ide

Just already finished writing the program in arduino ide, but were just thinking if i could use flash encryption in esp32 using arduino ide for commercial use? Cause i am still new to this esp-idf ...
kwak's user avatar
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2 answers

Does ESP32 can support WIFIDirect

I would like to establish a simple P2P connection between an ESP32 and an Android device without the use of an access point. I should be able to send and receive data from the ESP32 through the ...
Abhay Kondru's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer


I want to use the ESP32-CAM as a sun sensor, the problem is that I would need to remove the lenses in order to put a membrane with a pinhole (like it's illustrated in the image) upon the CMOS, but I ...
Jogarama's user avatar
1 vote
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unable to program esp32cam via cloned esp32-cam-mb

I bought a couple of ESP32CAMs from aliexpress... althought the listing shows them with two buttons, I got the ESP32-CAM-MB boards with just the reset button... I have my computer set up to dual boot ...
JoSSte's user avatar
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How can I access ESP32-CAM from outside local network other than port forwarding?

I have a ESP32-CAM AIThinker which I have programmed using Arduino IDE to stream video. I have another board ESP8266-12e that I am using on a MQTT system that turns on and off the ESP32 as well as ...
user1114881's user avatar