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Java (not to be confused with JavaScript) is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language designed to be used in conjunction with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). "Java platform" is the name for a computing system that has installed tools for developing and running Java programs. Use this tag for questions referring to Java programming language or Java platform tools.

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1 answer

Arduino IDE Auto Format Error

Whenever I try to format a sketch in the IDE (1.8.19) I get this output in the terminal: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 'java.lang.String cc.arduino....
InkyDigits's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How can I send Arduino sensors data to java application?

my final year project is to do an Arduino watch that has heart rate and body temperature sensors and also a location tracking module. I need to send all the watch data to my java app but I don't how ...
user87358's user avatar
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Arduino IDE Java error

I'm running IDE version 1.8.16 under Windows 10. Frequently I get the error message. The situation is solved only when exiting the IDE. Afterwards the compilation may be finished with or without ...
user1511360's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I pass data from an Arduino Nano to a Websocket Server via USB?

I have an Arduino Nano, and a local Java WebSocket server (ws://localhost:8888) run by a .jar file on my computer. I'm wondering if it's possible to send data (text, numbers etc.) from the Arduino ...
kevinlinxc's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the highest baud rate that can work between Android device and an Arduino connected to an HC05?

I see a lot of baud rates in the AT Command documentation for the HC05 however I am not sure what is the fastest that can work between the Arduino controlled embedded system and the Android phone. I ...
Alick Campbell's user avatar
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1 answer

Streaming integer data from Arduino to Java, integer greater than 0xFF

I need to send how many milliseconds elapsed since the beginning of the time the arduino runs to java using Serial.write(). However, the largest integer that I can throw in there is 255, naturally ...
John Rawls's user avatar
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Reading Serial String Gives Null Lines with JSSC

I need to send serial data to my Arduino UNO from within a java application. I am using JSSC for this. I wanted to verify that my data actually arrives correctly to the arduino before going to the ...
stanjg's user avatar
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1 answer

cant read json data esp 32 “parseObject() failed”

hello I am just trying to make Youtube Subscribe Counter with led matrix 32*8 and esp 32 and I had this problem when I trying to get subscribers to count so what is the problem and how I can fix it? `...
 abdalrahmanabs's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Linux can not open arduino IDE - java.lang.NullPointerException

I use arch linux. I installed arduino ide with pacman. When I try to run it, loading window will show for few socends and than program crashes. There are logs: john@arch-thinkpad ~ [1]> arduino ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
1 vote
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Java Errors thrown by Ardunio IDE when attempting to open serial monitor

I am only getting this error on one of my Windows 10 PC's. On another windows 10 PC and Mac, the board (Mega 2560) is working fine. Any hellp or advice on this would be appreciated. THE PROBLEM ...
Mike M0ITI's user avatar
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Arduino IDE on eOS? Java?

Tried to install Arduino IDE on Juno, install script gave warnings about icons not being installed on desktop (which is fine since no desktop folder for eOS) but then when try to launch the IDE icon ...
iGuest's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I combine this two codes in one program? And use it in javafx application

The first one reads from sensors and displays it, the second code receives an incoming byte to control LEDs. I tried to combine it but i don't know why it doesn't work. Please help me out. I need it ...
Rica Jacutina's user avatar
-1 votes
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How will I display values from arduino to JTextArea (Java Netbeans)?

I want to display float values in JTextArea but it doesn't show any. It only displays on the systemout. Pls help me out. This is my Java code. import jssc.SerialPort; import jssc.SerialPortException; ...
eurydyce's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Receiving two values over serial port using servos

So I have a java program that picks up the mouses x and y coords on the display and I would like to send those to my arduino and then move my two servos to those locations (I have two servos ontop of ...
Jamie Cole's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Code conversion

Following is the zabbix documentation with the query header format. Document Zabbix I have difficulty implementing this header in C ++ (Arduino), I saw an implementation of what I need in this forum ...
Venicius Back's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to run Arduino codes in Java netbeans? [closed]

Having a hard time searching the net on how to run arduino codes on java. Can somebody please help me. Thank you.
John Montierro's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Integrating Java program with arduino mega is it possible?

I have just written a java algorithm to get a chess move when a chess move is inputted in SAN notation the algorithm used : Monte Carlo. Is it possible to integrate this program with an Arduino mega ...
roaibrain's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Simulating a real time clock module with software [closed]

I am building a clock with an Arduino. Most clocks have a RTC module or some kind of RTC chip in order to get the time. I do not. How do i replace this chip with software? Is there a C/C++ library ...
fuzzyfish's user avatar
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Arduino IDE not compile .S program to board

After answering my previous question correctly I'm getting all sorts of errors when trying to compile the following program: I'm completely new to both assembly and the arduino IDE so I apologise in ...
CertainlyNotAdrian's user avatar
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Sending data from Arduino to laptop via bluetooth using java

I intend to establish communication between my laptop and Arduino via Bluetooth. I'm using BlueCove Java API. I'm unable to understand how to send data to Arduino using this. There are no clear ...
Clement's user avatar
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1 answer

Java NetBeans sending value and receiving value from Arduino

This is my Java code to send a value to Arduino and a receiving value from Arduino. Can anyone tell where I made a mistake? I am able to send the value but can't receive a value from Arduino. package ...
Stenzin lobsang's user avatar
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I can't receive data from Arduino through Bluetooth

I am developing an app that controls an Arduino robot. For that I need to communicate through Bluetooth. That means sending and receiving data. Why receiving? Because I also have sensors on the robot. ...
Noé Azevedo's user avatar
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Serial Connection

I was trying to communicate with my arduino uno over the serial connection from the USB. Connecting to it is usually not a problem, but what buggs me is the first transaction of the data... No matter ...
arunoruto's user avatar
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Problem with receiving data from Arduino via HC05 sent by Java

I want to both send some sensor data via Bluetooth (HC05) and Arduino to Java and I also want to send some command data via the same Bluetooth and serial port to Arduino. I've managed to do the first ...
Zeta.Investigator's user avatar
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Serial communication between Arduino and Java NetBeans

I am new to this serial communication between Arduino and Java NetBeans. I am doing some small project and I need to get data from external EEPROM 24LC256 which is connected to Arduino UNO and pass it ...
Stenzin lobsang's user avatar
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2 answers

How to send multiple data from PC to arduino

I have a project in arduino that i interface with java. The arduino is connected to the computer via usb cable , I use the serial communication. I have two variables: //Code in arduino int ADelay = ...
kaisar Great's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to change the variable value on arduino program using java? [closed]

I am new to arduino and I want to interface it using java . I want to know is there a way to change the variable or set the variable using the input from java :D Thanks For reading Hope you can answer ...
kaisar Great's user avatar
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Serial communication doesn't work right after upload

I'm trying to communicate between a program on the Arduino Uno and a program on the PC via USB. I got it more or less working. Only problem is that it doesn't work when I run my PC program the first ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 answers

connecting ESP8266 to mega 2056

im trying to connect wifi module to my MEGA 2560 board. i set up the board as the picture bellow and my program is as follows #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define DEBUG true SoftwareSerial ...
Omid's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

What would be the code for using Arduino UNO to alert by sound or LED when it detects a certain position through GPS?

I am in grade 6. I have a very nice pet dog in my house but it often enters Mom's kitchen to spoil all the foods. So I am thinking of a device to attach with him which can locate its position. But I ...
user74219's user avatar
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ESP2866 and java ServerSocket

So I have an application that runs on the Arduino that passes info over serial. I'm using a ESP2866 to make it wireless. Arduino->Serial->Esp2866->SocketConn->JavaSocket->Console I ...
Steven Venham's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I turn off the blinking cursor/caret in the Arduino IDE?

I just purchased a RedBoard, knowing that it would work on Linux, and knowing that it could allow me to easily interface with some electronics project. I am aware of the ino command line tool but I ...
Metamorphic's user avatar
1 vote
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Time Stamping data on an Arduino and reading it on a Java IDE

Does anyone have an idea on the best way to time stamp an arduino sketch that contains a data packet which is to be read out using a java IDE (IntelliJ) for graphic visualization of the packet. I ...
PayneLaidBack's user avatar
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I want to run jvm on arduino.What minimum configuration do I need?

If Arduino IDE itself is built on Java can I run JVM on the Arduino? If yes how should I do it?
Shatayu Darbhe's user avatar
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Setting Up a JavaEE app on an Arduino Yun Board

I'm looking for some reference material to start on a project I'd like to do. I have an Open House at my school. My group project has been to create a little timesheet app using JavaEE. I just ...
Stubudd's user avatar
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2 answers

Java + JSSC + Arduino + Windows

I want to know the basics of Arduino serial communications and connection with a Java application in Windows. Can anybody provide me with a sample Java program that upon running just makes an Arduino ...
AXANO's user avatar
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Connection between Matlab and Arduino

I'm trying to connect Maltab and Arduino by this code: arduino=serial('COM7','BaudRate',9600); fopen(arduino); But I get this message: Open failed: Port: COM7 is not available. No ports are ...
Jack Sparrow's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Problem sending colors from an audio visualizer to Arduino

Sorry in advance for the length of my question; I want to provide proper context. I wrote an audio visualization program in Java that (in addition to making "pretty pictures" based off of the ...
KentAshfield's user avatar
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Sending data over TCP connection in one piece

I'm trying to send short strings via Java client to Arduino server and vice versa. Sending data to client goes fine, but when I try to send data to arduino it cuts the string into bytes and then sends ...
Rok Dolinar's user avatar
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Flexiforce to Uno to Keyboard. Working but not as inteded

I have a Flexiforce 25 pound pressure sensors connected to my Arduino Uno which connects to my laptop. My requirement is to be able to play video games using taps on pressure sensors. I am ...
thanmai's user avatar
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Sending and receiving custom messages with Ardulink

I am sending custom code to Arduino with this ardulink command: {"oled"); } Code from standard Ardulink sketch CustomMessagesChipKit.ino: { if (...
user2882440's user avatar