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1 answer

No Websockets Server for Arduino mkr1010?

I've seen some interesting explanations on using websocket comms on mkr 1010 but it's always handling the mkr 1010 as the client and the server being always a computer or some other "non-arduino" ...
Majid's user avatar
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1 answer

Certain String Characters To Int

I have a char* array which looks like this "T 20" and I'd like to extract the "20" and convert it in to an integer. I was thinking of using atoi() but it seems that function will operate on the entire ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Write your own program to control Arduino Uno

Is it possible to write a program to control the Arduino Uno, without using the Arduino IDE?
Avi's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How do I change number and bracket colors in the arduino IDE?

I recently personalized my arduino IDE (changed the background color, input text color, etc....) by going into the theme.txt file and replacing some hexadecimal values. I made the background black and ...
Sal's user avatar
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4 answers

Arduino write/handle long programs [duplicate]

I'm writing a "sketch" in the Arduino IDE which has at this very moment 1500 lines and is going to become much longer. I splitted it in several tabs, but that's not very comfortable to use (I need to ...
noearchimede's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between #define and const int when declaring a pin? [duplicate]

Over the course of my Arduino usage and learning, I've noticed that in some sketches people use the #define command to declare pins, while some others simply use const int for the same. My question ...
YaddyVirus's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

IF, ELSE IF functions not working with analogRead

not sure what is going wrong in the code below, but it's a simplified code of a larger piece I'm trying to debug. I notice that the code seems to skip to the else statement even though the if ...
Sarahhyy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Trying to track down macro or #define values, possibly in arduino preprocessor

In reading various code I stumble across symbols that seem to be the result of #define or other macro like symbols that I cannot find just by tracking through the code ( including its chain, if any, ...
russ_hensel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Fancy Arduino IDE [duplicate]

Do you know an IDE that is Arduino compatible, with: Black background; white hurts my eyes. Some auto completion features maybe? And also one that lets you minimise brackets. Xcode like. A better ...
Thundercoal's user avatar
94 votes
22 answers

What are the other IDEs for Arduino?

The basic Arduino IDE lacks a lot of the sophistication present in other IDEs such as code completion, code collapsing, folder organisation, etc. Are there other IDEs that allow programming in C or C++...
DLJ's user avatar
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