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ESP32 (Arduino): WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true) gives error + Heap Corruption issues

I have NodeMCU ESP32s and I am using Arduino framework. I want the ESP to connect to local Wifi, so I set AP on ESP and send to it UDP packet with WIFI credentials. I am doing it in a loop until sent ...
NeverDoomedEnough's user avatar
2 votes
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failed log in attempts on softAP

I would like to setup an access point using the esp32 that logs any/failed access attempts i have looked through some source files, and came across esp_event.h, which seems to allow registering an ...
matt richards's user avatar
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ESP32 AP Automatic Web Page

I've often encountered WiFi networks that require you to sign in through a web page that automatically opens after connecting to the access point, such as hotels. I'd like to implement something ...
Fromen's user avatar
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Using or creating Wi-Fi Direct (P2P) connection on ESP8266

I want to make a Wi-Fi Direct connection with an android device using my ESP8266. According to ESP8266WiFi Documentation and ESP8266 datasheet, the board has a SoftAP mode which is I think what is ...
Parsa Showkati's user avatar
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Is it possible to use CCMP as cipher type on ESP32's softAP mode?

Currently I'm starting softAP mode on ESP32 with WPA2_PSK as auth type(as WPA3 is not supported for softAP). When I am trying to connect my iPhone to the softAP, iOS gives a warning that WiFi security ...
coolesthead's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

ESP32 softAP SSID not const

I would like to be able to set the wifi SSID in the setup(), so I can customize it based on the MAC address or something similar. (avoiding to ESP's with the same code having the same SSID). However ...
EbenenBonobo's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

ESP32 open "captive portal" on connected

I am using the default example SimpleWiFiServer that comes as an example from the ESP32: #include <WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <WiFiAP.h> #define LED_BUILTIN 2 // Set ...
Tono Nam's user avatar
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ESP-NOW host not receiving data

I'm trying to set up a network like the following: |Host| <-------> |Node x 3| I want to have a two-way connection between a host and each node, but each node cannot communicate with other nodes....
SD'Anc's user avatar
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ESP8266/Android app: slow response when using soft access point and keeps dropping connection

I have an ESP8266 which I'm using the Arduino IDE to compile a program which uses soft access points to talk to an Android App compiled using MIT App Inventor. The app seems to work the first couple ...
SpaceCowboy's user avatar
1 vote
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OTA mDNS issues with ESP8266 and PlatformIO?

The common useage of the OTA library for this MCU is to have it connect to a network, and to then use a computer on that network to upload firmware across that network. Due to either issues with ...
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Bridging the wifi networks on nodemcu: how to set the esp8266 as wifi extender, simplest case

It seems to me that humidity is getting high in one room in the basement in my house. To monitor the situation temporarily, I would like to build a very small wifi-mesh network to exchange these ...
arthur's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

ESP32 AP max connections: 4 or 10?

I am using the SoftAP feature of the ESP to create a central node, and connecting five or six clients in the final application. However, I don't know if i can connect that many clients. One of the ...
CharlieHanson's user avatar