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Questions tagged [gps]

Global Positioning System. Uses satellites to determine geographic location.

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GPS module GY-GPS6MV2 only returns numbers

I have a GY-GPS6MV2 connected to a nano. (Also tried UNO same result). RX on GPS goes to TX of Nano PIN 3 and TX on GPS to PIN 4 on Nano. When I run the code below all I get is a set of numbers. They ...
TomTheTec's user avatar
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Get GPS position from a Heltec Wireless Tracker arduino

I've bought a Heltec Wireless Tracker Arduino. I want to get the GPS position. I've taken the original example "GPSDisplayOnTFT" from the IDE (I've made a few changes because the original ...
Jaime Roman's user avatar
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GPS Module not catching signal

I am making a gps tracker with neo6m gps module and esp32 dev board. I checked wiring and coding but still my module isn't catching a signal I am already on roof of my house in case it require clear ...
Yug Ahuja's user avatar
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GPS module Serial.begin value

I've disassembled a drone and found a GPS module. I want to use it. I haven't found any information about the architecture and the Serial.begin value I have to use. Could I break it if I tried ...
drMAIN's user avatar
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Do I connect multiple I2C units to the microcontroler in series or parallel?

I have a project (still planning) with three I2C sensors: GPS, 3-axis gyro+accelerometer, and OLED. Do I connect SDA/SCL in series, or do I connect them in parallel?
Marifin -'s user avatar
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MKR GPS shield inconsistent GPS connection/data printing...library issue?

I have been using a MKR WiFi 1010 board with GPS shield for a very long time (year+) and have not been able to solve my problems with the GPS data dropping out. The setup for my field application is a ...
ktn8rgrl's user avatar
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Is it possible to use UART0 freely when connecting ESP32 s3 via USB (D+, D-)?

I've designed a test PCB that utilizes an ESP32 S3 and testing pins. During program uploads, I use the USB interface over GPIO20 and GPIO19 as D+ and D-. Everything works fine in this configuration. ...
mehmet's user avatar
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GPS speedometer with NEO 6M - latency issue

I have built a speedometer, based on this youtube video: The speedometer is for a car, so it needs to be in real-time and accurate, with the ...
cool bean's user avatar
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Speedometer for car [closed]

I want to build a speedometer for a car using Arduino UNO. For the display, I'm using an LCD screen that will be located behind the steering wheel. For context, I'm building the speedometer for a ...
cool bean's user avatar
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How to Send GPS Data to Firebase via SIM808 GSM Module

I have an Arduino UNO with SIM808 and I'm trying to send my GPS data to the Firebase. I have successfully get a location from SIM808 via serial. However I found that Arduino only supported HTTP ...
Harits LH's user avatar
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Arduino M0 pro(ATSAMD21G18A-U) to NEO-M8N-0-10 gps interface issue

i trying to interface ATSAMD21G18A-U to NEO-M8N-0-10 gps by using UART. my problem is here, i need to use pin 25(rx) and 26(tx) of arduino to interface. i have tried below. but getting error:C:\Users\...
Anantha Venu's user avatar
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GPS module NEO M8M not responding with Atmega 328P

I designed PCb for relay Switching using gps signal for that i am using atmaga 328P-AU and Neo 6M but after connecting gps module its not showing long, lat. i also checked power supply in module pin ...
Jay Vadoliya's user avatar
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A9G GSM not connecting to teensy 4.0

Below is my current code for connecting to the A9G. As far as I can tell, it never actually opens a connection as HWSERIAL.println("AT"); does not return anything. Any ideas would be ...
Tom Callan's user avatar
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Recognizing fake NEO-M8N gps module?

I bout a NEO-M8N gps module but I can't connect to u-blox softwares (both u-center2 & u-center_v22.07) It seems to be one of the junk modules that China mass-produces Module's pictures : I tried ...
Curious guy's user avatar
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How "fast" could GPS data be refreshed while moving and does it depend on the mcu?

I'm using Nano Every and SIM33EAU GPS module for my project and today I went riding shotgun to test how it works when moving on the road. I am using u8g2 library and one of the things that I have ...
Varonne's user avatar
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Ability to calculate bearing related distance with Arduino GPS

Pardon if there's a more precise/technical way of formulating this question :) What I'm currently working on is a proximity warning with Arduino. There's a preset GPS location in the sketch and if I'm ...
Varonne's user avatar
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Alternative to GPS location being calculated by radius around a point

Hopefully the thread title isn't confusing - I'm trying to find out how would it be possible to make a different way of proximity warning with GPS. Default/simplest way is by forming a radius around a ...
Varonne's user avatar
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Multiple if else statements for distance-triggered LEDs

I have a sketch that calculates simple distance from the device to the nearest preset GPS coordinate (there are 3 in total) and I would like to have LEDs in the neopixel strip light up according to ...
Varonne's user avatar
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Getting “Open the GPS power failure” on module SIM808

I tried to get the gps coordinates with this program: #include <DFRobot_sim808.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define PIN_TX 8 #define PIN_RX 7 SoftwareSerial mySerial(PIN_RX,PIN_TX)...
Hans Ricardo Davila Acuña's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to find the correct navigation course by GPS navigation with Arduino?

I have an RC plane and I want to make it autonomous via GPS navigation usung an Arduino. I have an Arduino Mega 2560 onboard connected to a GPS Ublox-Neo-M8N (GPS module) and there is the problem. I ...
Curious guy's user avatar
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Connecting the MKR GPS shield by cable or as a shield

I have an MKR WiFi 1010 and an MKR GPS Shield. When I connect my GPS Shield using the I2C cable, it works fine. This works perfectly (the bottom is the MKR Motor Carrier): However, when I use it as a ...
Bart Friederichs's user avatar
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No GPS data Neo 6M DFRduino Nano

I checked several answers for same question but none of them help. I also changed the nano board and GPS module but without luck. I ran it outdoor. This post question had same issue except my date ...
CoffeePlease's user avatar
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Low power microcontroller with gprs/gsm and maybe gps on board

Good day to ya all. I have a general question and a potential problem to solve. My plan is to make a device which will work on 2 li-ion batteries. The purpose of this board is to take data from 3/4 ...
srdjan subotic's user avatar
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How to know if GPS module is dead?

I can't make function the NEO-6M-0-001 GPS module, this is the third one that already bought! I'm using an ATmega2560 as microcontroller for obtaining the data from the module and seems that the ...
Oscar Espinosa's user avatar
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How to connect SIM7100A to Arduino?

I've been searching for how to connect a SIM7100A module to an Arduino (Uno or Mega), but I haven't been able to find any posts anywhere, nor videos nor any kind of documentation that shows how to do ...
MaRe356's user avatar
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sim808 init error when trying to use DFRobot to get gps

I'm using "mega 2650 pro" Arduino with SIM808 BK-808 V-3.1 and I connect the vcc for the sim808 to 5volt pin in the arduino, and the arduino connected with laptop usb. and I add a sim to the ...
user75899's user avatar
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SIM808 GPS+GSM Vehicle Tracking using Maduino Zero SIM808 GPS Tracker V3.5

I'm learning about GPS technology and I bought the Maduino Zero SIM808 board V3.5 to design a vehicle tracker. I have found source code for the project online. After I upload the code to Maduino ...
Dix Dux's user avatar
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GPS Ublox neo-6mv2

I'm trying to get gps data from ublox neo-6mv2 module via arduino. Should ublox's neo-6mv2 light blink after power up by 5v from arduino ? Or is there any other sign that tells the module isnt dead ? ...
Piotr Józefowski's user avatar
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Any way a GSM sim 900 can still work (USA)?

so I’m pretty new to arduino and have been working for weeks on a GPS tracker using a sim 900 and a knock off neo 6M. All my code seemed to be working but for some reason I could not get the sim900 to ...
user15487549's user avatar
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Use AGPS functionality with Arduino and GPS module

Recently, we developed the UTRAQ L100 GNSS Module base board for testing all the capabilities of the GPS receiver.
Dhanish_Elementz's user avatar
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Neo 6m outputting something i as a noob can't understand

So i connected my ublox neo 6m gps breakout board GY-GPS6MV2 to the arduino software serial and got this result, i used resistors and only supplied 3.3v to the board, gps encode library couldn't give ...
Aayush Garg's user avatar
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DFRobot GSM / GPS shield with UNO init error

Apologies, but I have little experience of Arduino etc. Has the "Sim808 init error" been resolved anywhere please? I have tried every example I can find including the ones on these ...
Bolin's user avatar
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U-blox GPS module (and TinyGPS library): altitude data getting stuck at strange values

We have built a HAB (high-altitude balloon) tracker based on an Arduino and a U-blox GPS module, but we have a sporadic issue where the altitude data gets stuck at odd (usually low) values. The ...
Rustony's user avatar
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Arduino : send data via satellite (or other solutions ? without GSM)

I'm a researcher and I'm looking to build a very tiny embedded system. I must to send data from the desert and above the ocean, to do that I think that my single option is to use satellite ...
Bernard's user avatar
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How to access GPS location without internet

I need to provide a basic geolocation service for my clients. I built a location service based on the phone geolocation. It works great, not a problem. My problem is that some of my clients don't have ...
rm4's user avatar
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What pins to use on a Teensy to get data from multiple peripherals?

I'm using a Teensy to keep records on the location, speed, altitude, and direction of a weather balloon I'm hoping to launch. I have an Adafruit LSM9DS1 and a Ublox NEO-M8N with compass (HMC5833L) so ...
chiya's user avatar
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What module should I use for high precision localization?

I have a toy car and I want to measure the coordinates/location of that car in my house. It need to bee high precision equipment so GPS won't work here. My precision requriments is 5+- cm and the ...
euraad's user avatar
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Speed data logging using arduino and GPS module

I am using a Quectel L80-R GPS Module coupled with an Arduino UNO to read and log my car's coordinates and speed. I am currently using TinyGPS++ library which works okay. It does spell out coordinates ...
Tamoghna Bhattacharya's user avatar
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Invalid data using GPS TinyShield module with Tinyduino

I am new in GPS modules and I need to get the NMEA data from my GPS module but when I execute my code all the NMEA sentences are Invalid. I am using the same example from instructables Tiny GPS ...
Fosdrogg RFF's user avatar
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U-Blox Neo M8N GNSS-GPS interface with ESP32-TTGO-T-CALL

I have tried contacting the manufacturers as well as many Google searches. I have tried many different libraries to get this GNSS-GPS working. Libraries I've Tried: Arduino_GPS ...
Jerrad's user avatar
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GPS Ublox Neo 6m issue with arduino UNO

I started working on the Arduino UNO with GPS Ublox Neo 6m. I connect GPS with arduino based on the schematic diagram as well as the script. It didn't display any data in the serial monitor even ...
Logadarshinni Maratha's user avatar
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ESP8266 WiFiEspClient Disconnect 3 with GPS

I have recovered an old sketch (2 years ago) in which I used 2 DHT22 sensors and sent the values to an web app to store in database. The sketch works fine with a ES8266 module connected to an arduino ...
Angel González's user avatar
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Neo 6M + ESP32 unable to take a fix on battery but works fine with laptop USB

I am using Neo 6M GPS module with ESP32 and 2 X 3.5V(7 v in series) 18650 lithium ion battery stepped down to 5V using LM2596 buck converter. Problem which I am facing is when I power ESP32 using 5V ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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How to connect neo 6m 6pin module with nodemcu v3

I got this neo 6m gps module from a broken drone. and i would like to connect it to nodemcu v3 board. most of the gps module that i have seen are with 4 pins (vcc,gnd,tx,rx) , but this module has 6 ...
user68436's user avatar
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Arduino Uno + SIM808 EVB 3.2.4 not working properly?

So recently I found this tutorial online about the SIM808. It looked super cool so I ordered the sim808 evb 3.2.4 off amazon. Hooked up the module and connected the RX (11) and (10) TX pins. Here is ...
Ethan Moore's user avatar
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double type sensor data is not displayed on bluetooth terminal app on phone

Hi I am working on a project in which I am supposed to tell if a person is running/standing/walking and going upstairs/downstairs or he is on straight road. The person will carry a arduino uno module ...
EEstudent's user avatar
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HC-12 problem with reading momentarily strings

I'm new here, so I hope my question is not naive. I'm using Arduino mega connected with a pulse sensor and a GPS (and other things that are not related to our problem), pulse sensor and GPS data are ...
Aidakf's user avatar
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Can anyone find out why when I run this code for a GPS and BME680 sensor I have no errors but nothing happens

Here is the code #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> #include "Adafruit_BME680.h" #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define BME_SCK 13 #define ...
Owen Sanders's user avatar
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Display GPS module data to my TFT display

I am using Arduino Mega 2560 and I have written code for my GPS module (Neo-6m-0-001/GY-NEO6MV2) and it is working fine independently. I also have written code for Compass module (QMC5883L) which is ...
Engr.Double_minded's user avatar
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GPS stream question

I have an adafruit Ultimate GPS unit, its working fine. I am reading the GPS stream, via the command line, and one of the details, is "Angle: 167.97" I looked at a page about GPS sentences, but I'm ...
j0h's user avatar
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