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Questions tagged [esp32-s3]

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ESP32-S3 Does not read BME680 Data

I build a PCB using ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R2 Controller. I programmed a BME680 sensor with this MCU. My pinouts are, BME_SCK 38 BME_MISO 19 BME_MOSI 15 BME_CS 5 This is my Arduino code, #include <...
Kuralmozhi's user avatar
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XIAO ESP32S3 Power consumption during deep sleep 100 mA issue

I am trying to program the board to take a picture upload it and sleep. The problem is during the deep sleep the power consumption is so high, almost 100 mA Can anyone direct me to the right direction ...
Nordic Star's user avatar
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How to flash program in ESP32-S3?

I build a custom board using ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R2. I gave a two pin jumper for boot pin. and my reset switch is, This is my USB Section, What I did is, Shorted the Boot connector Connected the ...
Kuralmozhi's user avatar
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ESP32 Bluetooth Pair scanFilter not working properly

I am trying to make a bluetooth device with esp32 s3. Pairing should work like a headfone. At the First start, any device can connect my ble ESP32 after connecting I will add in whitelist this device ...
mehmet's user avatar
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P10 LED Display Character Overlaying with DMD library

Hi, I am using p10 Led display and trying to make digital clock. it works fine but after 2 or more weeks later without any switch off there is a overlaying start on characters. why this happening I ...
mehmet's user avatar
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How do I enable CONFIG_SPIRAM_SUPPORT for ESP32 S3 on Arduino?

I'm trying to use PSRAM with the TFT_eSPI library, but it fails because CONFIG_SPIRAM_SUPPORT isn't defined. In Arduino -> Tools -> PSRAM I selected OPI PSRAM as the board manufacturer (the ...
Dakkaron's user avatar
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ESP32-S3 Stuck at a Crash and Not Auto Resetting

Given below is a short version of the Arduino code I used to program ESP32-S3. On some occasions the program crashes and unlike normal crashes this one get stuck there without Auto-resetting static ...
AmalMP's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 (V3) - Encode/decode packets to binary (make message shorter)

I'm using Heltec WiFi LoRa32 boards (ESP32-S3 + SX1262). Could you please help me how to encode data e.g. from temperature and humidity sensor into binary or hexadecimal form - to make the LoRa packet ...
iotdeveloper's user avatar
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1 answer

Compressing grayscale image with ESP32-S3-WROOM Freenove

I have a ESP32-S3-WROOM module by Freenove which has a camera and a micro SD card module. I can take a snapshot as a PIXELFORMAT_JPEG photo. However, when I change the pixelformat to "...
BehicMV's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use an external 32kHz crystal for ESP32 S3 with Arduino IDE?

I want to use an external 32kHz crystal for RTC with ESP32 S3, but I didn't see any example or tutorial for Arduino IDE, Even when I asked ChatGPT, it gave me some example but the code gave library ...
mehmet's user avatar
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ESP32 S3 Same code works on Serial1 but NOT on Serial0 for RS485 module

I have designed a test board to understand ESP32-S3 working pins. I am using USB interface D+, D- for programing so Serial0 is free to use. This is my test circuit for testing an RS485 converter. For ...
mehmet's user avatar
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Is it possible to use UART0 freely when connecting ESP32 s3 via USB (D+, D-)?

I've designed a test PCB that utilizes an ESP32 S3 and testing pins. During program uploads, I use the USB interface over GPIO20 and GPIO19 as D+ and D-. Everything works fine in this configuration. ...
mehmet's user avatar
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Limit of EthernetClient connections

I'm working on a project on which I need to have multiple EthernetClient connections to different servers. All of these connections must be kept alive simultaneously and by this I mean I cannot stop ...
Mazaetos's user avatar
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2 answers

Why Arduino IDE is brignging wrong board name for ESP32 S3

I am designing a pcb for ESP32 S3 wroom-1 for testing pins which are safe to use. My PCB look like this: I program ESP32 S3 via USB interface gpio19 "D-" gpio20 "D+". When I plug ...
mehmet's user avatar
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