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2 answers

Get GPS position from a Heltec Wireless Tracker arduino

I've bought a Heltec Wireless Tracker Arduino. I want to get the GPS position. I've taken the original example "GPSDisplayOnTFT" from the IDE (I've made a few changes because the original ...
Jaime Roman's user avatar
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GPS Module not catching signal

I am making a gps tracker with neo6m gps module and esp32 dev board. I checked wiring and coding but still my module isn't catching a signal I am already on roof of my house in case it require clear ...
Yug Ahuja's user avatar
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Is it possible to use UART0 freely when connecting ESP32 s3 via USB (D+, D-)?

I've designed a test PCB that utilizes an ESP32 S3 and testing pins. During program uploads, I use the USB interface over GPIO20 and GPIO19 as D+ and D-. Everything works fine in this configuration. ...
mehmet's user avatar
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Recognizing fake NEO-M8N gps module?

I bout a NEO-M8N gps module but I can't connect to u-blox softwares (both u-center2 & u-center_v22.07) It seems to be one of the junk modules that China mass-produces Module's pictures : I tried ...
Curious guy's user avatar
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U-Blox Neo M8N GNSS-GPS interface with ESP32-TTGO-T-CALL

I have tried contacting the manufacturers as well as many Google searches. I have tried many different libraries to get this GNSS-GPS working. Libraries I've Tried: Arduino_GPS ...
Jerrad's user avatar
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Neo 6M + ESP32 unable to take a fix on battery but works fine with laptop USB

I am using Neo 6M GPS module with ESP32 and 2 X 3.5V(7 v in series) 18650 lithium ion battery stepped down to 5V using LM2596 buck converter. Problem which I am facing is when I power ESP32 using 5V ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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Creating a router with ESP32 and SIM800c

I am trying to create a device which is a combination of ESP32 and Sim800c. This device (Master) will start AP mode on ESP32, so that other devices (Nodes) will connect to this AP. The Sim800c will ...
KarmaCoding's user avatar
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esp32 with Neo6M gps gives no data

I am simply using the following code void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200); // set the data rate for the HardwareSerial port Serial2.begin(115200); } ...
sdebarun's user avatar
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1 answer

GPS Module don't provide full data

I connected my gps module (NEO-6M) with esp32doit-devkit-v1 board. The module provided data but many data are missing. My pin configuration: GPS ------- ESP32 VCC ------- 3v3 GND ------- GND TX -...
Takiuddin Ahmed's user avatar