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Questions tagged [sim808]

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How to Send GPS Data to Firebase via SIM808 GSM Module

I have an Arduino UNO with SIM808 and I'm trying to send my GPS data to the Firebase. I have successfully get a location from SIM808 via serial. However I found that Arduino only supported HTTP ...
Harits LH's user avatar
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Code not displaying/working DFRobot SIM808 shield data on Adafruit 1.69" ST7789 rounded screen

I have been having trouble with the code below not display and possibly not working and or looping. Before making changes to my code I had a problem where the Serial monitor would print up to "...
S_Pun's user avatar
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Getting “Open the GPS power failure” on module SIM808

I tried to get the gps coordinates with this program: #include <DFRobot_sim808.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define PIN_TX 8 #define PIN_RX 7 SoftwareSerial mySerial(PIN_RX,PIN_TX)...
Hans Ricardo Davila Acuña's user avatar
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SIM808 does not support SSL related AT commands

I am using a SIM808 module. It's working fine with normal MQTT over TCP, but does not work when trying secured MQTT. I sent AT+SSLSETROOT="C:\USER\HENRY_SSL.CRT" to set the root certificate ...
mohamed ali's user avatar
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How to GET HTTP Request from Arduino to Firebase?

I have an Arduino UNO and SIM808 and I'm trying to send my GPS data to the Firebase. I have successfully created a website which I can post data from the website to the Firebase. However I'm trying to ...
Cheeseburger's user avatar
2 votes
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SIM808 Doesn't detect SMS if sent while offline

I'm running UNV SIM808 Shield with Arduino Uno using DFRobot_SIM808. The shield has no issues detecting incoming SMS while powered on. I just found out if the shield is off while sending the SMS, it ...
ASH's user avatar
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sim808 init error when trying to use DFRobot to get gps

I'm using "mega 2650 pro" Arduino with SIM808 BK-808 V-3.1 and I connect the vcc for the sim808 to 5volt pin in the arduino, and the arduino connected with laptop usb. and I add a sim to the ...
user75899's user avatar
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Convert a char array to Flash string

I would like to pass a formatted string to a method that accepts a __FlashStringHelper. Here is the method signature: void myMethod(const __FlashStringHelper *str); I have been using snprintf to ...
P. Avery's user avatar
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3 answers

How to clear SoftwareSerial values? [closed]

I'm using software serial on my weather station. The way it's supposed to work is that you send an SMS to the device and it replies with the wind speed, etc. At the moment, The wind speed is detected, ...
connersz's user avatar
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Problems using SIM808 with Pro Mini

I'm having problems with my setup. I'm trying to create a wind-speed system when you send an SMS to retrieve the correct wind speed as an SMS response. I'm using a pro mini, connected by USB via FTDI, ...
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