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No GPS data Neo 6M DFRduino Nano

I checked several answers for same question but none of them help. I also changed the nano board and GPS module but without luck. I ran it outdoor. This post question had same issue except my date ...
CoffeePlease's user avatar
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How to know if GPS module is dead?

I can't make function the NEO-6M-0-001 GPS module, this is the third one that already bought! I'm using an ATmega2560 as microcontroller for obtaining the data from the module and seems that the ...
Oscar Espinosa's user avatar
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HC-12 problem with reading momentarily strings

I'm new here, so I hope my question is not naive. I'm using Arduino mega connected with a pulse sensor and a GPS (and other things that are not related to our problem), pulse sensor and GPS data are ...
Aidakf's user avatar
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I2C and softwareserial

Attempting to make gps unit with screen. GPS unit communicates over serial (Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout) and I can get GPS data through USB to my pc with Adafruit GPS library softwareserial ...
Rob's user avatar
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Arduino GPS Simulator: SoftwareSerial Issues

For my project, i need my Arduino Uno to simulate a GPS. To do this, I need to: Generate a 5V Pulse once a second (no problem) Send a $GPRMC NMEA sentence with the current time over RS-232 (i've got ...
MarayJay's user avatar
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Problem with powering ublox NEO-6M GPS module

Firstly, I'd like to mention that I'm a beginner. This is the first time I've worked with a GPS module. The serial monitor is completely empty when I upload the following code to my circuit: #...
The real deal's user avatar
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vk2828u7g5lf GPS module over SoftwareSerial

So my goal was simple. Trying to get a GPS speed, and show it on a display (later use it to control a stepper motor). I am using the vk2828u7g5lf GPS module from Banggood, which after days of ...
sdieters's user avatar
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how to make GPRS/GSM SIM900 shield work with gps neo-6M module using Arduino UNO board

I'm a beginer to arduino program.i will like to make a program that will send latitude and longitude on my mysql since 3 days i try to learn how to use all this material(GPRS/GSM SIM900 ...
EL General's user avatar
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Is two modules using Serial Interface on one Arduino Uno possible?

I was wondering if I have both a Bluetooth HC-05 module and a GPS module (uBlox 7N) is it possible both for both to be using the serial interface? I'm aware they cant be operating simultaneously ...
Explorex's user avatar
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Sending PUBX commands to GPS Board (Ublox NEO-6M) through SoftwareSerial

I am having trouble parsing NMEA sentences coming from a GY-NEO6MV2 board (, using the TinyGPS ( library. The GPS board itself ...
angularchobo's user avatar
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Serial communication between GPS and Arduino Ethernet

I'm trying to read out GPS positions from a serial GPS module I have. I'm using an Arduino Ethernet and a Haicom HI-204 III GPS ( If I connect the ...
XerXes's user avatar
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GSM and GPS module don't work together

I am trying to create a project which involves getting latitude and longitude via GPS Module and send it via GSM Module. My problem here is that individual code is working perfectly. However, if am to ...
Kinyo356's user avatar
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Make Arduino send and receive at the same time

I am working on a project where I connect a GPS module and GPRS SIM900 shield. The location will be sent when it recives a certain character. Now my question is, can the Arduino receive from GPRS and ...
Bayan Ibr's user avatar
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Trouble in acquiring NEO6M GPS data through S-Function builder at Matlab simulink using Arduino libraries

I have connected a NEO6M GPS module to an Arduino Mega 2560 and programmed using TinyGPS++ library's "Device Example". I am getting proper data at serial port. NEO6MGPS to ArduinoMega2560 Vcc ...
Praneeth varma's user avatar
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serial data transfer on gps shield duinopeak

I'm using an arduino uno r3 with a gps shield duinopeak. The shield is configured using RX pin 3 and Tx pin 2, as image below: I'm using the TinyGPSPlus library to read NMEA data. This is my code: /...
Artur_Indio's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

SIM808 module GSM working fine, GPS not working (No GPS ready message on power on)

I powered on my SIM808 module. It showed me following output: RDY +CFUN: 1 +CPIN: READY Call Ready SMS Ready It supposed to show GPS ready also. I sent AT command and return ok. However ...
Suri's user avatar
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Sending GPS data between two Arduinos using Easy Transfer

I'm trying to get GPS data transmitted from one Arduino UNO to a second unit to eventually be displayed on an LCD and stored in an SD card. I am using Xbees S2C's on Xbee Shield's to do this. The ...
K-Bert's user avatar
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Cannot receive data from GPS SD Shield V2-B

I am attempting to receive GPS data from a GPS SD Shield V2-B purchased from maplin. I have attempted the very simple sketch they provide on their website I have also tried following a ...
A.Goodsell's user avatar
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Arduino Uno + Adafruit Ultimate GPS Shield Serial issue

I've had an Arduino Uno for a couple of months-making basic sketches-and recently purchased an Adafruit ultimate GPS shield and attached with soldered headers. This shield has 2 options for reading ...
Cudge's user avatar
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Using Parallax VPN1513 GPS Smart Module with External Antenna and Ruggeduino

I am using a Ruggeduino for a project involving an autonomous vehicle, and I need GPS capability in it. I am using the "VPN1513 GPS Smart Module with External Antenna" from Parallax (https://www....
user3294625's user avatar