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12 votes

How to get HTTPS on Arduino?

(Disclaimer: I'm actually the author of the article) The Arduino UNO is more than capable at doing TLS. I've just finished up a blog post series on the topic. I have a working example of ...
Aaron Ardiri's user avatar
3 votes

Web page using bluetooth?

No. There is no such facility in Bluetooth to provide such a feature. That's not to say that technically it can't be done, there just isn't any software (a web browser) that would support it. ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

esp8266 WiFi Cannot Connect to a PHP Server

This line: if (client.connect(server,80 && LED == HIGH)) { is definitely not going to do anything useful. Nor is this line: else if(client.connect(server,80 && LED == LOW)) { In ...
romkey's user avatar
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2 votes

Problem with sending a POST request using the WiFiEsp library

Your problem is the content you are sending. While this format works well e. g. in Python libraries, this library seems to have a problem with it. I solved it this way, when I happened to face this ...
bahe007's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Cannot run arduino as web client

This could be an SD card SPI bus issue. Note that because the W5100 and SD card share the SPI bus, only one can be active at a time. If you are using both peripherals in your program, this should be ...
Kegham K.'s user avatar
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2 votes

ESP8266 + Slack (ssl->need_bytes=16432 > 6859)

replace rtm.start with rtm.connect as per April 2017 Recent Updates log
Men-Ching Luk's user avatar
2 votes

How do I get an HTTP_POST response?

You have: server.on("/", handleRoot); server.on("/test.svg", drawGraph); server.on("/",HTTP_POST,response); The first call using handleRoot species no particular method, ...
timemage's user avatar
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2 votes

Error 101 Server Did Not Report Size from OTA Upgrade framework via git hub

The ESP8266httpUpdate library wants to know in advance how large the file is before it starts downloading it. It wants to know this so it can tell, before trying to download (and program), whether or ...
timemage's user avatar
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2 votes

Web page using bluetooth?

There is an experimental feature called the Web Bluetooth API. You could host a single file on a Webserver which then interacts via Bluetooth with your ESP. Keep in mind that aside from localhost you ...
Cowboy_Patrick's user avatar
1 vote

How to webClient.write() an image stored on a String?

OK, I got it to work as follows: Not passing the binary anymore, passing the file name so the FTPPost function will do its own reading of the file on SPIFFS and will post in 256 bytes chunks. The same ...
Paulo Borges's user avatar
1 vote

How to webClient.write() an image stored on a String?

You should not use String to store binary data. Instead allocate yourself an array of uint8_t of the right size. uint8_t *imageData; size_t len = file.size(); imageData = alloca(len); file.readBytes(...
Majenko's user avatar
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1 vote

Run website / Javascript game from a Arduino UNO device?

The Arduino cannot run Javascript, no. It could serve Javascript from an SD card to a web browser running on a PC / Pi / Phone, etc, but there is no way it can run it itself.
Majenko's user avatar
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1 vote

NodeMCU display temperature and control LED from an autorefresh web page

Write handlers for different URLs server.on("/5/on", led5On); server.on("/5/off", led5off); do you get the concept? or you could write one handler server.on("/setLED", setLED);, if you would ...
Juraj's user avatar
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1 vote

Web page using bluetooth?

Program your ESP32 to connect to your wifi - it then gets its own IP address on your LAN (e.g. ) - then connect to your ESP from your phone (or anything else on your LAN). Have you tried ...
cnd's user avatar
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1 vote

Creating a Web Interface for ESP32

I would highly recommend splitting it into two parts: back end (C++) and front end (JS). You'll probably want to connect to a router, so your clients, like a phone and laptop need not be on that AP ...
dandavis's user avatar
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1 vote

Arduino connection websocket always fails

With the help of the library developer, I found out that it was a problem on the handshake version. So, I just downgraded my app from 1.0 to v 0.9.11 and it worked.
José Pedro Simão's user avatar
1 vote

Clear GET params from URL

this is exaclty waht get are supposed to do. Use a POST or use a redirect; a POST is way better as the "back" button of the browser will take care of it
Lesto's user avatar
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1 vote

How to get HTTPS on Arduino?

Using of WiFi shield can be a solution - it supports HTTPS.
tse's user avatar
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