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13 votes

Access serial monitor on linux cli? Using arduino-cli?

Programs such as screen, minicom or (my favorite) picocom are useful if you want bidirectional communication between the Arduino and the host computer. If you only want to read what the Arduino sends, ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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10 votes

When Raspberry Pi is preferred over Arduino

The claim that the Pi is more "powerful" is a bit misleading. What does "powerful" really mean? And is it relevant to making a weather station? I made a temperature and humidity sensor as described ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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10 votes

How to allow cross-domain requests on ESP8266WebServer

Add the CORS header to every response, not only for 'preflight' OPTIONS request. The OPTIONS support is optional, but the response returning the 'shared resource' must contain the CORS header "...
Juraj's user avatar
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8 votes

Access serial monitor on linux cli? Using arduino-cli?

I use minicom. $ sudo apt-get install minicom ... blah blah blah ... $ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200 Minicom can take a bit of getting used to. Use CTRL-A to initiate a command sequence. CTRL-A X ...
Majenko's user avatar
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7 votes

When Raspberry Pi is preferred over Arduino

Somewhat of an opinionated question but I'll give some feedback. It depends on various things: How much UX and UI you want to give to your client How easily can you program it Which is a cheaper ...
Colin's user avatar
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6 votes

Differences between Arduino IDE versions

Debian is always somewhat behind the latest software No, when it comes to the Arduino IDE Debian is frozen on an ancient version. 1.0.5 is considered to be too old to use. Many many things have ...
Majenko's user avatar
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6 votes

When Raspberry Pi is preferred over Arduino

As opposed to the Arduino boards, the Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer with a quad-core CPU, a GPU, on-board RAM, and many peripherals. The main difference between the Pi and the Arduino (or ...
altai's user avatar
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6 votes

Greyed out port for Raspberry pico in Arduino IDE - Ubuntu 20.04

I've come across this and this is how I worked around it (on Windows, but I suspect the problem and solution is the same). A brand new Pico or one not programmed by the Arduino IDE does not have a ...
user85471's user avatar
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6 votes

Why do I have to burn the code to make it run?

On a Unix shell, separating commands with the pipe character (|) means “run these commands in parallel, feeding the standard output of each one to the standard input of next one”. In this context, it ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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5 votes

MQTT over serial

As the author of the serial2mqtt gateway. Maybe it's time to have a new look. I've included the binaries for different platforms in the build :
Lieven's user avatar
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5 votes

Convert float to byte, from Arduino to Raspberry Pi i2c

First of all, if you want the Arduino to send data as a slave, it should do so onRequest(), not onReceive(). Thus: void setup() { Wire.begin(0x08); Wire.onRequest(handleRequest); } Next, as ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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4 votes

Rounding up and Down

As far as I know, the Serial.print (or println) does rounding up and down. All you have to do is take a float variable and do Serial.print( value, 1); Without extra parameter, the default is choosen, ...
Jot's user avatar
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4 votes

Rounding up and Down

You can round in C by multiplying for the significance, adding +0.5, round down (equals as casting to an integer) and divide. float f_rounded = ((int) (f * 10.0 + 0.5) / 10.0); 28.6 will be: float ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
4 votes

Why would anyone use Arduino in 2017?

This is the ATtiny. It costs < $1 and is completely capable of most tasks that a hobbyist requires of a chip. Truthfully, it’s more than capable of many tasks a pro requires as well. It’s perfect ...
RubberDuck's user avatar
4 votes

How to allow cross-domain requests on ESP8266WebServer

just add this line before every response: server.sendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
Ahmad Asmndr's user avatar
4 votes

How to allow cross-domain requests on ESP8266WebServer

server.enableCORS(true); The server will add the response Access-Control-Allow-Origin=* header
Barney Flint's user avatar
4 votes

Sending data struct with 2 int fields from Arduino to Raspberry via NRF24L01

Your problem is that you are communicating between an 8-bit and a 32-bit architecture. On an 8-bit architecture int is 16 bits. On a 32-bit it's 32 bits. Why the difference? Because "it is". ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Capacitor Questions

Every active chip should have adequate decoupling. That is the point of C3, to provide decoupling for the MCU. It is required. While you don't need capacitors on the output of a non-existent ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

A1 was not declared in the scope

RobotConfig.h needs to include Arduino.h in order to have those constants.
Delta_G's user avatar
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3 votes

ADC with better performance

ADS7835 from Texas Instrument. can be interfaced with Arduino Mega or Raspberry Pi It is interfaced through SPI, 12 bit data, and up to 500kHz throughput rate.
duck's user avatar
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3 votes

Power a Raspberry Pi 3 from an Arduino Uno

You can't. The on-board regulator of the Uno, the NCP1117, is only able to supply up to 1A before starting to dropout voltage (hence your undervoltage warning). Even worse, because the NCP1117 lacks ...
Enric Blanco's user avatar
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3 votes

Do we need ARM build for arduino while interfacing R-pi and arduino

The ARM build of the IDE is for running the IDE on ARM systems. If you want to run the IDE on the pi then you need the arm build. However if you want to run the IDE on your PC then you need the IDE ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Getting wrong values from connected to a Raspberry Pi

ser.write(str(x_value)); Writes the string representation of the integer x_value, which is a sequence of ASCII characters. ByteReceived = (; Serial.print(ByteReceived); Reads a ...
Mikael Patel's user avatar
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3 votes

Why would anyone use Arduino in 2017?

An arduino board is really a breakout for a micro processor. Microprocessors you can get separately. A rPi is really a full system without that modularity. There are also other size factors for that ...
ratchet freak's user avatar
3 votes

Install Arduino IDE in Raspberry Pi 3 model B

Visit in your browser, and click the Linux ARM link under ‘Download the IDE’. cd Downloads/ tar -xf arduino-1.8.3-linuxarm.tar.xz Extract the file to your /...
abu-ahmed al-khatiri's user avatar
3 votes

Is arduino a single board computer?

The Arduino isn't a computer. It is a programmable microprocessor / microcontroller. Generally a computer can run multiple applications where most programmed devices like the Arduino are running ...
Rudy's user avatar
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3 votes

Connecting an Arduino Nano to a Raspberry Pi Zero

You can connect via: UART I2C SPI All are available on the Pi's GPIO header and on the Arduino. You will of course need logic level translation for a 5V Arduino. Using UART is probably simplest for ...
Majenko's user avatar
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3 votes

Arduino Core for the Raspberry Pi Pico

Official support. Apparently there's official support for it, now anyway. I was digging around in the Arduino-mbed core, trying to help someone else, specifically in the boards.txt and spied the line: ...
timemage's user avatar
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