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6 votes

max7219 chained display showing mirrored text

Since version 3.0 MD_MAX72xx.h no longer supports that definition. Now the hardware type is defined as a parameter on creation (in the "Example" file you are using - not in MD_MAX72xx.h) #define ...
Den1al's user avatar
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3 votes

DHT11's data on MAX7219 reads 0

It turned out that MD_Parola can't handle floats directly. I fixed the problem by converting the floats t and h into strings using dtostrf() float h = dht.readHumidity(); float t = dht....
Andrew Coz's user avatar
3 votes

Scroll Left to Right on MAX7219 Display

To scroll in the opposite direction, change this if statement: if( --x < len * -8 ) { x = LEDMATRIX_WIDTH; } to this: if( ++x > LEDMATRIX_WIDTH+len*8 ){ x = 0; } x (the start ...
chrisl's user avatar
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3 votes

MAX7219 powered on via digital pin set to HIGH is not working good (I < 25mA)

After some research I eventually solved my problem, so here's the answer. Why does it happen? This LED display draws much more current than I measured on Vcc line between Arduino and display ...
finnan's user avatar
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2 votes

ISR and multiplexing- time required to execute the code in Arduino

(In a comment the asker mentioned they're not sure of the "usual approach", so I've provided this answer to hopefully help clarify) Here is my code for using a single 595 to drive the columns, and ...
redstarcoder's user avatar
2 votes

ISR and multiplexing- time required to execute the code in Arduino

I think the code is likely wrong. the code is called every 10ms, each time refreshing all columns and all rows and then immediately overwriting them all. so you should just see a quick flicker. the ...
dannyf's user avatar
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2 votes

max7219 chained display showing mirrored text

Check the configuration in MD_MAX72xx.h file and ensure you have the right module selected. For example there is a define #define USE_PAROLA_HW 0 if your hardware is this item then turn off the ...
Paul Cavanagh's user avatar
2 votes

SPI Wiring Confusion

SPI is a communication protocol, you can take advantage of some hardware optimizations by using the pins where that hardware is available or you can do everything by hand using any pin you like, with ...
Roberto Lo Giacco's user avatar
2 votes

Removing spaces between characters in MD_Parola

add this line in the void setup part P.setCharSpacing(0);
Oscar's user avatar
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2 votes

Arduino IDE Doesn't Detect Installed Library Dependency

Just guessing... This looks like a case-sensitivity problem to me: the MD_MAXPanel library repost a dependency on MD_MAX72xx (lowercase xx), whereas MD_MAX72XX explicity states its name is MD_MAX72XX (...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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2 votes

Tinyduino I/O line voltage level

Whatever your power supply voltage is. If you run it from 5V you get 5V IO. If you run it from a 3V coin cell you get 3V IO.
Majenko's user avatar
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1 vote

MAX7219 library that can compensate for poorly designed/miswired 8x32 panel?

The issue is minor. It looks like the library was designed for a slightly different matrix display / wiring. Take a look at the library and it likely maps the input buffer to segment / dot-matrix ...
dannyf's user avatar
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1 vote

MAX7219 with Arduino UNO - LED control doesn't work

OMG, the only problem was a typo in LedController initialisation! I used LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10,4); instead for LedControl lc=LedControl(11,12,10,4);. It seems the library has no error ...
JustLogin's user avatar
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1 vote

DS3231 Clock project shows right date but wrong day

The library seems to be addressing device register 3. According to the DS3231 datasheet this register has valid values 1-7, with 1 being Sunday. You have: dow2str(Clock.getDoW()+1, szMesg, MAX_MESG); ...
timemage's user avatar
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Parola library and DS3231 clock

Your first problem is the definition of the text array: const char *pc[NUM_ZONES] = { "TIME", // This will be replaced by real time its only for logic of rows here "ROOM", "SUBJECT", "...
Codebreaker007's user avatar
1 vote

Daisy chaining of multiple blocs of 4x(8x8) MAX7219 matrix

All is OK changing the proposed statement define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::PAROLA_HW to define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::FC16_HW
JC Grimaldi's user avatar
1 vote

Making a timer accurate to 1 millisecond possible? Using MAX7219 LED

You generally cannot rely on a processor for correct time keeping without a real time clock somewhere in your circuit. However, the best way of doing things at certain times, is to call millis() ...
tavis's user avatar
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1 vote

Using an Android bluetooth terminal to change preset states on 8x8 LED matrixes

Your problem is, that you read from the EEBlue serial interface, but you are just echoing it over Serial and don't do anything with it. The display code is only executed, when the commands come ...
chrisl's user avatar
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1 vote

MAX7219 and Arduino

Got it somewhat working by changing: #define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::FC16_HW to: #define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::ICSTATION_HW But still a little problem with the last character in a message not ...
nkuck's user avatar
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1 vote

How to drive SPI MAX7219 7-segment led module using MCP23S17 extender

The MAX7219 chip is designed to be daisy chained -- connect Dout to the Din of the next MAX7219 (see the No-op Register section in the data sheet). I'm not sure if there is a limit to the number that ...
Craig's user avatar
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1 vote

How to drive SPI MAX7219 7-segment led module using MCP23S17 extender

I'm not 100% on what you want to do but I have used both the chips you seem to want to do it with. The MAX7219 can control 8 7Segment displays. I don't remember it being an SPI device, you just set ...
Code Gorilla's user avatar
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1 vote

Need help with using LED matrix with pushbuttons

It appears you are attempting to use the hardware UART for both talking to your MAX7221 or MAX7219: LedControl lc=LedControl(2,1,0,2); And for talking to, maybe, the SDK's serial monitor: Serial....
st2000's user avatar
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1 vote

MAX7219 not behaving as expected

After fiddling around with various Libraries, I came across this one. MD_MAX72XX It has all the functionalities that I needed with a good Simple Wiki to get you started. Also it is simple enough ...
echo_salik's user avatar
1 vote

MAX7219 not behaving as expected

Looking at your library source, it seems the number of devices is clamped at 8. This isn't a hard limit imposed by the chip but rather practical design. SPI, especially at high speeds, can get ...
SoreDakeNoKoto's user avatar
1 vote

MAX7219 not behaving as expected

Have you checked the wiring between matrices and/or swapped modules in case there is a faulty one in the sequence?
marco_c's user avatar
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