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Arduino ESP8266WebServer hangs after a while but responds pings

When you use String the way you do, you're doing a lot of memory allocations. The ESP8266 doesn't have a lot of memory and is easily subject to a problem called "heap fragmentation" - memory ...
romkey's user avatar
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4 votes

ERROR: return reinterpret_cast<T>(pgm_read_ptr(p));

With the info from the link Fahad provided in the comments, I can only offer a guess: Your ESP8266 board definitions are outdated and the old version of the ESP8266 board definitions contains a bug. ...
orithena's user avatar
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2 votes

Node MCU Esp12-E does not support server accept function

The 'latest' documentation applies for git master branch. accept() is ready for the next release of Arduino esp8266. It will be version 3.1.0. Until then you can use server.available(). It works the ...
Juraj's user avatar
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1 vote

A peristaltic pump with pH sensor and web based output project

Yes. You will need to add a solid state switch or similar to power the motor. The ESP32 has the radio needed to connect to your wifi so that part is already there. The ESP can be configured as a ...
Gil's user avatar
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How to allow cross-domain requests with ESP8266WebServer.h ? - CORS policy: Access-Control-Allow-Origin

The issue is URL specific. Indeed, if I change API, namely const Qresponse = await fetch( "" ); by for example: const Qresponse = await fetch( "https://...
user2718593's user avatar
1 vote

ESP8266 web server not responding when running a http request function

At the end of getWeather() you call delay(postingInterval); postingInterval is set to 60*60*1000 ... one hour. That means getWeather() won't return for one hour and nothing else in loop() will be ...
romkey's user avatar
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How to get version of Arduino board remotely

There's nothing you can do with your currently loaded sketch. The board can only do exactly what you have programmed it to do and nothing more. There are no "AT" commands. They only exist ...
Majenko's user avatar
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esp8266 - server.handleClient() fails to call assigned function

Replace "/data/" with "/data" and url += "x_value=" with url += "?x_value=". The HTTP GET parameters are separated from the path by "?". The on ...
Juraj's user avatar
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Servo motor and L298N motor driver don't work together with ESP32

I had it so that EnA from L298N was pin #10 and my servo was pin #2 and it wasn't working. But then I switch them up and it works fine.
Dieegaso's user avatar
1 vote

Servo motor and L298N motor driver don't work together with ESP32

Hi I have the same problem here, and everything is pointing the issue could be related with the channels shared for PWM. In the Robojax lib there is control of channels want to assign for each motor, ...
Reyan Valdes's user avatar

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