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7 votes

Using esp-wroom-32 without a development board

This is what I was looking for. The development board is not the minimum as @Majenko and @StarCat stated on their comments. This is exactly what I need as I plan to run my project from a battery. ...
Tono Nam's user avatar
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3 votes

Is 1MB flash enough for OTA upload in ESP-01?

Yes, 1MB is fine for OTA. There are, though, a few caveats when working with OTA that you must observe regardless of the flash size: The maximum OTA program size is less than half the available flash ...
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

How to prevent flickering relay upon waking from deep sleep using ESP01 board?

The only two pins that don't glitch or change state during reset and boot are GPIO4 and GPIO5, and neither of them are brought out to the 2x4 header on an ESP-01.
Krazy OldGuy's user avatar
2 votes

How to prevent flickering relay upon waking from deep sleep using ESP01 board?

Apparently it's a pretty common issue for people using this board. There are a couple of solutions here that I will try: The most non invasive ...
barrymac's user avatar
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2 votes

NodeMcu 1.0 resets automatically after sometime

From your description it sounds like a Watchdog Timer reset. The ESP8266 needs to regularly run internal householding tasks outside of your own code, such as Wifi/network related tasks. It will ...
StarCat's user avatar
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2 votes

Using esp-wroom-32 without a development board

You could use wireless. First, use OTA programming (eg Elegant OTA) to burn a basic OTA uploader. Then, in principle, you can then upload any sketch you want so long as it ALWAYS has the basic OTA ...
richard mortimer's user avatar
2 votes

Using esp-wroom-32 without a development board

There are programming boards available to which you can plug one of these SOCs into them. There are different boards for different types of ESP SOCs. You can find them at popular Chinese vendors, and ...
ByteWelder's user avatar
2 votes

Capture GRAYSCALE image with ESP32 Cam

I guess that 1 year later you shouldn't work on this anymore, but for every one that need the grayscale too, here my solution. For reference I've found here that we can set : s->set_special_effect(...
nukez's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

ESP send string to Arduino

readStringUntil('\n') //Receiver Mega void setup() { pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); Serial1.begin(9600); Serial.begin(19200); delay(100); } void loop() { if (Serial1.available()) { ...
Adamelli's user avatar
2 votes

ESP8266 Arduino Json object array deserialisation into struct

No memory is allocated for the strings. You should declare your struct like so: struct Departure { char destination[32]; char departure[32]; int deviation; } depart; This assumes the max ...
Benoit Blanchon's user avatar
2 votes

Can't enable face detection on esp32 cam : CORRUPT HEAP: Bad head at 0x3ffe2eb4. Expected 0xabba1234 got 0x00000008 abort()

I don't have enough reputation to be able to add a comment, but using the answer from Andrew Hart I was able to resolve this. For completeness of this thread in case the linked solution ever ...
Aubs's user avatar
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2 votes

Parsing JSON response from Stream

httpClient.getStream() returns an instance of Stream that you can pass to deserializeJson(), like so: deserializeJson(doc, httpClient.getStream()); However, by doing so, you bypass the code in ...
Benoit Blanchon's user avatar
2 votes

Is 1MB flash enough for OTA upload in ESP-01?

For OTA uploads, the size of the compiled (old sketch + new sketch) should not exceed the flash size. Due to this, large sketches (more than 500KB with 1MB flash) cannot be OTA uploaded directly if ...
KRIPA VENKATESAN's user avatar
1 vote

ESP32 stack error when reading from BLE device

To help others. I resolved this issue by using the ArduinoBLE lib instead of the ESP32_BLE one I was using.
covert's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Wifi Scanning code for esp32 wroom 32

This is a issue raised on github about this: And the issue seems to be that a failed connect prevent the scanning and the solution is: So what i ...
MatsK's user avatar
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Can't enable face detection on esp32 cam : CORRUPT HEAP: Bad head at 0x3ffe2eb4. Expected 0xabba1234 got 0x00000008 abort()

Rollback your ESP32 board driver to 1.04. works for me ;-)
Jacobski's user avatar
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ESP32 Arduino Bluetooth Serial does not reconnect after disconnecting

Nothing wrong with your code, I've the exact same issue as you have. It bothers me whole week long and fortunately, we (along with my colleague) accidentally figured that was caused by Windows 10, ...
Aries's user avatar
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1 vote

Calculate battery (18650 Li-ion) voltage using ESP8266-12E

Everything was correct and my circuit is also good. The only difference i found is to this below line: temp = (analogvalue * 3.3) / 1024.0; Which should be temp = (analogvalue * 1.0) / 1024.0; We are ...
user3201500's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to check for correct architecture on OTA update (ESP32 or ESP8266)?

I assume you are the one creating the OTA update. If so, then why don't you just include a "signature" in the code that is the architecture, i.e. ESP8266 vs. ESP32 and then check for that ...
jwh20's user avatar
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What is the best way to init wifi communication between two devices (get IP address)?

One is a server and the other is a client. The server do not need to know IP of the client, but the client need to know IP address of the server. See more in communication between two Arduino
Rozona Zoro's user avatar
1 vote

Capture GRAYSCALE image with ESP32 Cam

I just tried this with my ESP32Cam with no problems. I would check that you are supplying enough power; I've definitely seen the 'Camera capture failed' when I had power issues. Also, I would try a ...
Ezward's user avatar
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1 vote

How to assign ESP8266 access point a hostname that can be resolved by the stations?

I'm unclear on the distinction being drawn here: the hostname and not mDNS mDNS, like DNS, and hostname lists are all things a "resolver" would use to map a "hostname" to an IP ...
timemage's user avatar
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1 vote

ESP32 softAP SSID not const

A const parameter to a function doesn't define what can be passed. It is, instead, a "promise" by the function that it will not modify the data you pass it. In C when you pass a "string&...
Majenko's user avatar
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1 vote

I2C comunication, ESP->Nano on endTransmission no ACK fron nano

I'm a fool, I tried to detect other devices in the setup function before the Wire.begin(PIN_SDA, PIN_SCL, I2C_MASTER); I Found it only because of you. The rubber duck. I started to write the program ...
Tomas's user avatar
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1 vote

I'm getting an error while uploading my code to esp8266 via an arduino (FatalError('Failed to connect to %s: %s' % (self.CHIP_NAME, last_error)))

You need to set esp 8266 to flash mode. Please connect en PIN to Gnd pin. Then flash again.
Jaber Zare's user avatar
1 vote

Problems with detecting button digital state

turns out that it is very simple, I shouldn't put buttonPin[1] a variable for PressNHold, I had to put just1, buttonPin was used already in button_state, also, PressnHold local variables should be ...
alasa995's user avatar
1 vote

ESP01 and Arduino - Serial port confusion

The Arduino UNO only has one serial port. That is pins 0/1 (RX and TX), which is mapped to the Serial object. Those pins and that object are also used for communication with the PC through the USB ...
Majenko's user avatar
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