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Questions tagged [isp]

In-system programming (ISP) refers to the ability of chips to be programmed while installed in the system.

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Unable to program with AVR ISP mkII under Linux

I just got an AVR ASP mkII external programmer and I am unsuccessfully trying to program my arduino with it. All the settings in the IDE are correct. This is the error message that I am getting: ...
user1584421's user avatar
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Ubuntu - TinyISP is not recognized

I got a Pocket AVR Programmer. I hooked it up on Ubuntu Linux, opened up a sketch in the Arduino IDE, selected Programmer: ...
user1584421's user avatar
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Programming barebones ATMega328 with external programmer and no bootloader

I have created a circuit with a barebones ATMega328. I also have an external programmer (Sparkfun's Pocket AVR Programmer)... Now I want to program a particular sketch... When uploading a sketch, do i ...
user1584421's user avatar
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Cannot change fuses on ATmega32U4

I have a custom board based on Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32u4). As usual I used the Arduino IDE to burn the bootloader with my Atmel ICE ISP programmer. This time it failed complaining about some errors ...
Mark's user avatar
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Error while burning bootloader onto ATMega-8A using Arduino Mega 2560: avrdude: invalid byte value

So, I'm trying to burn the bootloader onto an ATMega 8A with an Arduino Mega 2560 as ISP. I made the necessary connections, and got this error: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware/tools/avr/bin/...
Zelix75's user avatar
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Failure to recognize the Arduino Mega2560 R2 board by the computer

I am using an Arduino mega2560 R3 My Arduino port is not recognized by the computer.led on is green,leds Tx and Rx are yellow and led L is blinking constantly(According to the figure).I used an ...
ali's user avatar
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Mega2560 programming megacore avrdude: Device signature = 0x000000

I have two sunfounder mega2560s. I am using one as an ISP programmer and the other is my target. The programmer has the original bootloader on it. I have placed the ArduinoISP sketch on my programmer ...
Thom's user avatar
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Programming custom Arduino Mega with Arduino Uno

I'm making a custom board with AtMega2560-16AU as MCU and CH340G as bootloader (schematic can be seen in the picture). I have printed the custom PCB and soldered everything in place now I want to ...
Exclose's user avatar
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Programming 328PB from Arduino IDE using Atmel-ICE to ICSP port

Updated question. The original question was based on using 'Upload' from the Arduino IDE, instead of 'Upload Using Programmer' under 'Sketch'. The problem in getting the Atmel-ICE to work with ...
ttss's user avatar
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Extend program space by getting rid of bootloader on NANO

I just have a complex program that runs on a NANO. Now when I use my printlns for debugging I am running out of memory. I read about using a programmer to get rid of the bootloader that uses 2K space ...
GeKu's user avatar
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Is it possible for Arduino as ISP board to flash an ISP master board?

I have a setup of 2 Arduino Leonardo boards. Let's refer to them as Board A and Board B. Board A is a master SPI board that is constantly communicating via SPI to an array of sensors. At some point, ...
Ali Mizan's user avatar
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ISP Programmer with Serial and 5v/3.3v power

I currently use a Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2.1 for programming 328p chips and I really like it. The ability to have ISP and Serial in one physical device, enumerating as two separate COM ports on ...
Kevin W's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does my 23,032 byte Arduino sketch take 36.32 sec to upload via ISP to an Atmega328p on a breadboard w/code verification disabled?

"Sketch uses 23032 bytes (71%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes. Global variables use 1342 bytes (65%) of dynamic memory, leaving 706 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 ...
cody blanchard's user avatar
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device signature 0x000000 when burning bootloader

I receive this message: "device signature 0x000000" when a try to burn the bootloader on a atmega328p-au (SMD) inserted on PCB i am using arduino uno as isp i already uploaded the ArduinoISP ...
JOSEPH's user avatar
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Backup an ATMEGA16

I have an ATMEGA16 lying around that was in an old robot I'd bought. It was in a socket, so I pulled it out and was thinking of using this page to use it with Arduino IDE. Is there a way for me to ...
Aditya Pratap Singh's user avatar
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Arduino Nano use SPI pins as I/O pins? and still be able to do ISP?

I wonder if can use the Arduino Nano SPI-pins(MOSI,MISO & SCK) as I/O pins in a sketch? and still be able to program over ISP? Of course I will physical disconnect the Arduino from any other ...
Anton Ingemarson's user avatar
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How to use any module that has no library for arduino?

I am 2 years old in this Arduino world. I am currently working on a project where I am about to make use of a fingerprint sensor. Now my question is that could we be able to make use of a sensor that ...
Ravikiran's user avatar
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Atmega328p Uploads via ISP but not bootloader

I'm trying to upload a bootloader to my atmega328p on a custom pcb containing external oscillator at 16MHz. It is possible to upload program via ICSP pins using Arduino as ISP (Official Arduino Uno) ...
Deniz da King's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use ATtiny pins that are usually 'reserved' for chip programming?

How to program an ATtiny45 to use the pins 1, 5, 6, 7 (i.e. PB5, PB0, PB1, PB2) as input or output? pinMode(5, OUTPUT); pinMode(0, OUTPUT); pinMode(1, INPUT); pinMode(2, INPUT); digitalWrite(5, HIGH);...
Basj's user avatar
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Can't use Arduino nano as ISP because it can't read the Device signature

I programmed the 8mhz internal oscillator Bootloader to a new Arduino Nano with another Arduino nano running the ISP Sketch, wich worked fine the first time(Arduino as ISP selected as programmer). (I ...
Lukas Kamina's user avatar
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Cannot write lock byte on Arduino Pro Micro

I have an Arduino Pro Micro, with atmega32u4 chip and a caterine bootloader. However, every time I (successfully) flash some program over the USB port, the /dev/ttyACM0 device disappears, and I cannot ...
Heinrich's user avatar
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Using an Arduino Nano to program (as ISP) a standalone 328p

I uploaded the ArduinoISP sketch to an Arduino Nano to use it as a programmer for other chips. It worked successfully to program an ATtiny45, I did the usual wiring between them, and added a 10uF ...
Basj's user avatar
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How can I program a ATmega328 au tqfp32 ( SMD ) chip? [closed]

I have some experience with the Arduino UNO , Nano , mega etc .. But today I want to upgrade my skills and knowledge to next level . So I am about to design my own PCB for ATmega328 au ( SMD ) but ...
Ravikiran's user avatar
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Unable to burn bootloader with avrisp

I want to burn the arduino optiboot_atmega328.hex bootloader but it doesn't work. I remember that I was able to burn the BL using the arduino IDE which was quite easy, this time I'm having some ...
Sim Son's user avatar
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Help understanding how avrdude works with ArduinoISP and why its not working for me

I am trying to use avrdude with a Mega2560 running ArduinoISP Note: I have the 10uF cap on the Mega2560 RESET line as described by Ardunio. Also, I am using avrdude/6.3 on Windows 10. The Mega2560(...
markshancock's user avatar
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Programing AVR 32u4 via ISP with other ISP device connected

I have a custom PCB with an Atmega 32u4 chip. I program the chip with AVRDUDE via ISP after it is has been mounted onto the PCB. All is well. I now want to add wireless capability via the NRF24L01. ...
NewToArduino's user avatar
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What would cause fuses to be writeable but bootloader not to be writeable?

I am trying to burn a bootloader onto an ATmega328P-AN using an Microcenter knock-off Arduino Uno R3 as my ISP for several days with no luck. The farthest I've gotten is writing and reading a few ...
Bort's user avatar
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Can I program a factory fresh Atmega328P through UART pins without burning a bootloader?

Can I program a factory fresh ATMega328P using the UART pins without burning a bootloader? These pins are TX, RX, VCC, GND, and DTR pins in the schematic below. They are not the ISP/SPI pins 10-13. ...
Bort's user avatar
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Using Arduino as ISP and SoftwareSerial at the same time

I'm trying to use my Arduino Uno as an ISP to program an ATTiny85 and at the same time check my board by using the SoftwareSerial library to output the values I'm getting from my sensor. Is this ...
Mugen's user avatar
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Lines not pulsed fast enough (?))

Should this code pulse the PB3 and PB4 pins (MOSI and MISO of an Arduino Uno) at 2ms interval ? #include <avr/io.h> int main(void) { // for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++) // pinMode(i, ...
kellogs's user avatar
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Changing parameters in Arduino without the IDE

I’m installing Arduino-based well monitors in my local community. Each well is different and has slightly different parameters and several hardware variations. Currently, when I need to make a ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 answers

When using an Arduino as an ISP, is the capacitor required or not?

Looking at Arduino as ISP and Arduino Bootloaders, it is stated The 10 µF electrolytic capacitor connected to RESET and GND of the programming board is needed only for the boards that have ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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ISP with 115200 baud

I have a serial ISP programmer of protocol type "stk500v1" which expects 115200 baud data rate. I have used it successfully with Atmel Studio by calling avrdude manually (custom tool) in the past. ...
oliver's user avatar
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Flashing ATmega8U2 using another Arduino

I have an Anduino Uno R1 and the ATmega8U2 on. It does not respond correctly. How can I use another Arduino Uno R3 in order to reinstall the correct firmware? What I want to avoid it to solder the ...
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
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Arduino ISP external power

I want to program an atmega328p-pu via my arduino uno as ISP in a circuit. I omitted my connected sensors, LCD, etc in the schematic to keep it simple. When I power the circuit via a 5V power supply ...
idkfa's user avatar
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Why was the Atmega16U2 used on the Arduino UNO as a USB to Serial converter?

This is the first time that I realized that extra SMD IC near the USB port of the Arduino UNO is actually a fully fledged microcontroller, I thought that it was just a USB to Serial converter. Further ...
skillz21's user avatar
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Atmega328p ISP won't work

I have a grbl board that runs on an Atmega328p. On the board I have also provided the ability to control the stepper drivers through an external control step and dir signals. The schematics are shown ...
electrophile's user avatar
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Burn Bootloader to Chinese Arduino 2560 with AVR ISP programmer

I got my hands on one of these ISP programmer for Atmel AVR microcontroller in USB stick design: Then I selected Progammer > AVR ISP and clicked on Burn Bootloader but it says stk500_recv(): ...
rory's user avatar
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ESP8266 as ISP program for ATMega16

I have used below program for ESP8266 as ISP to upload a program to an ATmega16. ISP program uploaded in ESP8266 #include <SPI.h> #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <ESP8266mDNS.h> #...
Simbu's user avatar
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Uploading Arduino bootloader to ATmega32U4 with another Arduino?

I am in a situation where it is useful if I can upload a bootloader into an ATmega32U4 using another Arduino like this, for ex: I have a ...
Ernest Dujo's user avatar
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Issues uploading to atmega324pb w/ adruino as ISP

I've been having some issues programming a new atmega324pb I have on a custom board. I set up an old adruino UNO as an ISP by uploading the ArduinoISP sketch, setting the programmer to "Arduino as ISP"...
Blake's user avatar
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Unable to upload code to Leonardo

I was using Arduino-Makefile to upload code to a Leonardo via its standard make upload. However, it became "stuck" and unresponsive, as Leonardo's sometimes do. I tried power cycling it, and ...
Cerin's user avatar
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Can I upload with avrdude 2 hexes with 2 usbasp connected to computer, one hex with one usbasp ? If yes, how?

If I have connected 2 usbasps in the same time to ubuntu, can I upload 2 hexes one after the other(using avrdude) on each usbasp without disconnecting a usbasp ? If yes, how do I select each port for ...
Robert Rotsching's user avatar
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Avr dude programmer

I was trying to upload a hex file to my attiny85 with an arduino,and I came across this: avrdude -c avrisp (followed by other codes and the flash address ) This doesn't work and it gave one of the ...
See Jian Shin's user avatar
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Arduino ISP ATtiny problems

As I was trying to program my ATtiny chip with my arduino, I ran across some problems. Note that I know that this problem is faced almost in every Q and A site and forum so don't flag me as repeat yet....
See Jian Shin's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What if I have burnt my atmega328p?

Actually I am facing a big problem while programming my atmega328p using an arduino uno as ISP. I followed a video on youtube "Arduino as ISP" by Notes and Volts. Which look doing the same steps ...
BOuissal's user avatar
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Can i burn an Arduino sketch .hex directly using USBASP?

I am unable to upload sketches to my Arduino Uno board using the upload option in the IDE. I have done quite a few tests to find the reason but everything seems to be working fine when tested ...
samwise_the_wise's user avatar
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Forwarding serial output from a Nano to Uno that's used as the ISP

I'm trying to program a Nano by using an Uno as the ISP. So far, I've followed along with the example project for getting the Uno running as the ISP on ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to prevent ATTiny program from running after I flash it with Arduino?

I am making a simple voltage regulator. The whole idea is to just use ADC to read voltage on output side and based on the result, adjust PWM power. I am using PWM on physical pin 5. That's the same ...
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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Which external programmers work reliably with Arduino Mega?

When looking for alternate external programmers (ISPs), I am noticing that many are not Arduino Mega 2560 compatible (e.g. Pocket AVR Programmer, USBtinyISP). I am looking for a reliable external ...
Michael Molter's user avatar