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Programming barebones ATMega328 with external programmer and no bootloader

I have created a circuit with a barebones ATMega328. I also have an external programmer (Sparkfun's Pocket AVR Programmer)... Now I want to program a particular sketch... When uploading a sketch, do i ...
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Is it possible for Arduino as ISP board to flash an ISP master board?

I have a setup of 2 Arduino Leonardo boards. Let's refer to them as Board A and Board B. Board A is a master SPI board that is constantly communicating via SPI to an array of sensors. At some point, ...
Ali Mizan's user avatar
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Backup an ATMEGA16

I have an ATMEGA16 lying around that was in an old robot I'd bought. It was in a socket, so I pulled it out and was thinking of using this page to use it with Arduino IDE. Is there a way for me to ...
Aditya Pratap Singh's user avatar
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Lines not pulsed fast enough (?))

Should this code pulse the PB3 and PB4 pins (MOSI and MISO of an Arduino Uno) at 2ms interval ? #include <avr/io.h> int main(void) { // for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++) // pinMode(i, ...
kellogs's user avatar
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