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4 votes
1 answer

Can not burn arduino pro mini 8 MHz bootloader with usbasp

I am using schematic of Arduino Pro mini 3.3v/8 MHz version. Please see below circuit diagram I built. Power supply to circuit is 3.3V. I have a USB ASP programmer which I used in previous version of ...
adeel asif's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Expected signature for ATmega328P is 1E 95 0F; I can not burn bootloader on my arduino Uno

well... the problem starts from the time that I accidentally touched the crystal on my arduino and all of a sudden everything messed up; the leds on arduino turned on and off while being touched, and ...
Alireza's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom 328P-AU board not responding via ICSP

I created a custom PCB based on a 328P. The design is mainly based on the Arduino Nano schematic (3.0). The boards have arrived some days ago, and I can't get avrdude to recognize them via USBASP (or ...
jack's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Why ATMEGA328P U-TH doesn't answer to USBasp but work fine with Arduino as ISP?

I ordered ATMEGA328P AU from China recent but I got "ATMEGA328P U-TH". which seem super problematic. I try to use USBasp to burn bootloader but it fail and show error message as shown. ...
M lab's user avatar
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0 answers

How to burn a bootloader to non-bootloaded(clean crystal) ATMEGA328P-PU with USBASP programmer via Avrdudess?

I'm trying to burn bootloader to my clean crystals, atmega328p-pu.For this I use the 16MHZ crystal with two ceramic capacitors and USBASP programmer, on Windows 10 Pro. As program for burning I tried: ...
E.M.'s user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Error while reburning bootloader to atmega328p by usbasp in Arduino IDE

I have got the Bootloaded ATMega328P-PU from China and I want to reburn new bootloader into it. For this I use UsbAsp programmer. I want to do it in Arduino IDE. But when I try to flash, for example, ...
E.M.'s user avatar
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0 answers

Mistaken Connect 5V to SCK Pin

i have old chinese old hotair station that controls by atmega8l 8ua chip.. and the board designer are clever enough to put 2 identical dc plug, 1 is 5v supply cable.. the other one is on off switch ...
Noviardi Tan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Usbasp Arduino Uno Bootloader Flash Error - Win 10

I'm trying to flash an Arduino Uno using usbasp but i'm getting the following error,I have checked all the connection and voltage using multimeter but still this error: Arduino: 1.8.8 (Windows 10), ...
Potato Gamer's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

how to fix USBASP Unknown USB Device (device descriptor request failed) - Win 10?

I just recently purchased Usbasp from Ali Express, when i'm connecting it to the windows 10 desktop in device manager its Unknown USB Device (device descriptor request failed). How to fix this error? ...
Potato Gamer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Transmit image file thougth the TX TR serial line

I have a digital camera with a USB port for image dowload from the camera SD card. I will like to be able to capture this image files store in the camera SD card using the Arduino TX TR lines (...
Jose Enrique Calderon's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Atmega 32U4 doesn't show on device manager after fuse bits reset

I am finally ready to try setting fuse bits on my ATMega32u4-AU custom board (8Mhz Ceramic Resonators, 3.3V), however, after I set the fuse bits and plug my board to computer, the device manager ...
Harmony Yu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

ATmega328P of Arduino Pro Mini not responding

While I was trying to change the fuse bits of ATmega328P of my Arduino pro mini using a USBasp device to operate it at 3.3 V/8 MHz, it failed due to the bad connection I guess. After that, ...
Muhammad Monir Hossain's user avatar
2 votes
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Arduino nano stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0xe1

I have been building a project using an arduino nano clone. It uses the CH340 chip. It worked perfectly, and a week later it now doesnt. When I want to upload code in arduino IDE I get the error ...
Benjamin Broadbent's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Can I upload with avrdude 2 hexes with 2 usbasp connected to computer, one hex with one usbasp ? If yes, how?

If I have connected 2 usbasps in the same time to ubuntu, can I upload 2 hexes one after the other(using avrdude) on each usbasp without disconnecting a usbasp ? If yes, how do I select each port for ...
Robert Rotsching's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can i burn an Arduino sketch .hex directly using USBASP?

I am unable to upload sketches to my Arduino Uno board using the upload option in the IDE. I have done quite a few tests to find the reason but everything seems to be working fine when tested ...
samwise_the_wise's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to flash an ATmega directly without a dedicated flashing device?

An ATmega microcontroller can be flashed by a C compiler and a USB dedicated device (ISP). I tried to flash the program into the microcontroller by saving the machine code to a MicroSD card that I ...
Lan...'s user avatar
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Arduino pro mini (clone) @1Mhz target does not answer

Recently I have been experimenting with battery powered sensor (mySensors). I created node with 3.3V Arduino Pro Mini (ATMega328P @ 8Mhz with nordic radio chip and BME280 sensor) and successfully ...
MightyPolo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Help with usbasp pinout

I am having trouble figuring out the pinout of my 6 - pin USBasp Chinese clone that I got off eBay. BEFORE YOU TELL ME TO LOOK AT THE PINOUT DIAGRAMS, I can tell you that my version of the usbasp has ...
Tacocat 4642's user avatar