I just got an AVR ASP mkII external programmer and I am unsuccessfully trying to program my arduino with it.

All the settings in the IDE are correct. This is the error message that I am getting: avrdude: usbdev_open(): cannot open device: Permission denied

Typing lsusb in a terminal, I am able to see the programmer. Bus 001 Device 007: ID 03eb:2104 Atmel Corp. AVR ISP mkII

  • Do you have a udev rules for it (for example from platformio)? Is it working under root?
    – KIIV
    Commented Oct 12, 2023 at 18:36
  • @KIIV I just opened the Arduino IDE from the Gnome GUI. Therefore I am guessing it is not root. As for udev.... I don't know much about it and I haven't touched it. Commented Oct 12, 2023 at 18:58
  • 1
    Does this answer your question? Arduino IDE Permision Denied For Upload, Ubuntu Commented Oct 13, 2023 at 6:01
  • @thebusybee the AVRISPmkII does not create tty device. So closing as a duplicate of that question won't help.
    – timemage
    Commented Oct 13, 2023 at 14:29
  • Please edit your question and add the command used for avrdude. You might need to enable the verbose output of the upload process in the preferences. Commented Oct 14, 2023 at 17:30


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