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Questions tagged [atmega32u4]

atmega32u4 is low-power Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller

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atmega32u4 connect PC

I made a custom PCB with C-type USB and atmega32u4 (arduino leonardo). But my PC doesn't recognize the atmega32u4. Here are my schematic. Why my PC doesn't recognize the pcb in schematic?
hyunseob kim's user avatar
2 votes
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How to detect, if Serial is really connected to listening PC program? (on atmega32u4)

How to detect, if Serial is really connected to listening PC program? (on atmega32u4) I need to connect from PC to Arduino Micro Pro over USB Serial and disconnect again and not slow down the Arduino ...
gilhad's user avatar
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Arduino AVR Program with default ATMEGA32U4 bootloader instead

I’m working an Arduino program that uses the FastLED library and is all coded in the Arduino IDE (not my choice, just a result of this OOS library). However, I don’t want to run this on an “Arduino” ...
Felix Jen's user avatar
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How does Arduino IDE reset a board before flashing? Why doesn't avrdude do it?

I have the beetle board, a Leonardo clone same as in this question. Using the reset pin and quick hands on the keyboard, I am able to flash with avrdude and get also the board info with a command ...
Simson's user avatar
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Unable to flash arduino pro micro from Terminal

I am trying to upload an hex file to my arduino pro micro using Avrdude . The thing is that I cannot upload any code using the Avrdude terminal commands , but when I use arduino IDE to upload any code ...
santiago's user avatar
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Atmega32u4: Reduce power consumption while keeping USB active

I have a USB powered board, that should consume as little power when idle as possible, while keeping the USB connection alive. The device only sends data to the host, doesn't receive any, so the ...
Dakkaron's user avatar
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Upload to board with no USB connection

I have a Spark Fun Pro Micro (ATmega32U4) without a USB connection (it was broken off at an earlier point) that I want to use to duplicate a prototype running on another Pro Micro. How can I upload a ...
InkyDigits's user avatar
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Is it possible to remove the bootloader while flashing using the bootloader?

The question is meant as in, can I lock myself out of the Arduino using the bootloader, if I flash a hex file that doesn't contain the bootloader? Or does the bootloader automatically add the flashed ...
Dakkaron's user avatar
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Disable USB support for mega32u4

I have a custom Leonardo board (mega32u4-based) that does not use at all the USB features. When I build my sketch (vscode and platformio) I read: Compiling .pio/build/leonardo/FrameworkArduino/CDC.cpp....
Mark's user avatar
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Alerting the ATMega32u4 that it's plugged into a computer (via USB)

I need help in writing some code that will allow for the ATMega32u4 to be aware of when it's plugged into a USB port. I'm not really familiar with the ATMega32 or with it's function in Arduino, so I'm ...
Jay's user avatar
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Drum game controller - Problem with Piezo inputs [closed]

I currently try to build some Drums for the game Clone Hero. The problem that I have is that I can't use both of my Piezo inputs that I have hooked up at the same time. I have a Arduino Pro Micro and ...
DuddiSuppe's user avatar
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ATMega32u4 - Sending and receiving data through TX and RX

Hi everyone, first time here on the forum, so, apologies if I'm doing anything incorrectly. Long story short, I built a device that takes voltages in and transform them into midi data. I used an ...
nn_mic_nn's user avatar
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Input Capture Mode PPM signal

Greetings to all members of the Forum. I would like to express my deepest gratitude, with respect to the title of this post. The last week I am trying to capture and decode a PPM Signal from an RC ...
k. theodosis's user avatar
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Arduino Pro micro Serial communication problem with Node MCU

I recently bought an ATmega32U4 based Arduino Pro micro. I am using the Keyboard library and interfacing with my PC via USB. I am trying to create a serial communication between the Arduino Pro micro ...
Rishabh's user avatar
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Using Keyboard library for ISO-UK layout

I am creating a keyboard and the PC I use it with is configured for UK so the keyboard layout it expects is this I've highlighted the ISO-UK vs ANSI-US differences but the only key I am having real ...
RedGrittyBrick's user avatar
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Is it possible to program an atmega32 via internet or remotely with Android app?

There is a board with atmega32 microcontroller, sim card and Bluetooth modules. I used to program this microcontroller using a serial port cable. As long as the circuit is able to connect to internet, ...
Davoud's user avatar
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Pro micro Wire.endTransmission() does not return

I have an Arduino Pro Micro(blue version) and I'm having trouble using the I2C. To test it, I use the code below and the result is an infinite square wave on SCL and SDA lines and I only get the ...
therman's user avatar
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Send custom HID values instead of keys

I've been building a small macro keypad based on the ATmega32U4. So far, I've been able to send standard key presses to the host. But since I want a program on the host system to react to the key ...
Nikolai's user avatar
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Clocking issues while programming ATMEGA32U4-AU via USB bootloader

Hi, I'm designing a custom board with the ATMEGA32U4, with a GPS receiver and LoRa radio and it is powered from a LiPo battery. Since I'll need to make hundreds of this board later on, I'd like to ...
therman's user avatar
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Can I use arduino pro micro rx tx as digital pins

I'm using arduino pro micro Atmega32u4 5v 16Mhz I want to use it to make a HID Keyboard and Mouse but I ran out of pins so I was wondering if I can use the RX and TX pins as digital input pins. Will ...
Keima-kun's user avatar
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Wiring Multiple MPU 6050 to Micro/Lenardo

disclaimer I am new at hardware/circuits I am currently trying to connect two MPU-6050 to a single Micro board. In addition, there are 5 additional buttons to be connected. I am under the impression ...
Jae Yang's user avatar
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Is there a way to get about a 10ns Timer resolution from an AVR CPU?

I have an 8Mhz ATM32u4 that is able to read external pulse inputs at 125ns ticks using InputCapture3 (PC7) on its 16-bit timer. Is there a magical way (bitbanging?) to get around 10ns tick resolution ...
TommyS's user avatar
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Input Capture with Sleep Enabled on ATM32u4 board only works every second reading in SLEEP mode

In short: I have an Input Capture code and a Power-Saving code combined into one program. Both are adapted from Nick Gammon's examples that work fine independently. When I combined them into one ...
TommyS's user avatar
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Arduino Keyboard starts lower case (but it shouldn't)

So I flashed the KeyboardMessage example to my Arduino SS Micro ATmega32U4. When I open an editor and push the button, I would assume the output to be Zou pressed the button XX times. (The "Z&...
speendo's user avatar
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Flash firmware with hex file over serial with Python (no avrdude, Arduino IDE)

I'm trying to make a Python function in the TCLab package to flash firmware to an Arduino Leonardo (32u4). I can compile the TCLab ino (firmware) and deploy with the Arduino IDE or with the Python ...
John Hedengren's user avatar
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Arduino Atmega32U with nRF51 BLE by Adafruit limited to 5 second update rate?

Would like to ask for assistance with the code below. It's the Adafruit Bluefruit Atmega32U LE module with Adafruit's Arduino IDE example "heart-rate monitor" sketch. The code uses the hardware SPI ...
TommyS's user avatar
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LUFA with pro micro 3.3v 8mhz not working

I am trying to flash my pro micro 3.3v from sparkfun with a Lufa project to make it act as a pokken controller, i am using this project Github Project I have modified the makefile for 8mhz and set the ...
Percy Jackson's user avatar
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What are the applicable processor for the ATmega32u4? And what are higher versions of ATmega32u4?

Can arduino uno smd r3 version handle a Keyboard.h library? it is not applicable for that arduino?
mattiskdi's user avatar
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arduino atmega32u4 beetle extract hex code

I made a program using the Arduino Atmega32U4. As a security issue, I tried to extract the hex code because I wanted to know if this program was duplicated. avrdude -C"\avrdude.conf" -v -V -...
junhi's user avatar
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ATMEGA32u4 Arduino Bootloader Issues

I've been struggling with this issue for a few days on and off now.  I made a custom PCB (schematic) for a smaller Arduino Pro Micro and it works - mostly.  The only issue I had was that the pins on ...
av324192's user avatar
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ATMega32u4 SLEEP instruction

I was reading the ATMega34u2 datasheet and trying to figure out Sleep Mode. I know most people recommend using avr/sleep.h library. But I wanted to try out using the registers. I am fairly new to all ...
PythonQuestions's user avatar
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What is difference between ATMEGA32 and ATMEGA328?

I'm new in electronics. Just playing with Arduino boards.I just wanted to program ATMEGA328 micro-controller and use it without Arduino for compact design for my personal hobby project. I found there ...
Pradeep Sapkota's user avatar
4 votes
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It is possible to revive my Arduino Leonardo (mini beetle) board?

I have this board: It has the atmega32u4 chip. I have updated its code several times, and used it without issues for several months. Today, while updating (using Arduino IDE) it started to throw ...
lepe's user avatar
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Flash size in boards.txt ATmega 328p 32u4

The ATmega328p and ATmega32u4 microcontroller have 32Kb of flash memory (as datasheet). Bootloader for each microcontroleer has different size (about 512 byte for 328p and 4kb for 32u4). Why in ...
Mario J.'s user avatar
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How to enable auto reset in Arduino Leonardo?

I am trying to program an ATMega32u4 microcontroller through arduino IDE. I have added external oscillator(16Mhz) and capacitors and few other connections according to the Schematic. I had put a ...
NaNN's user avatar
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NRF24l01 with Atmega 32u4 and internal clock

Will the nrf24l01 work with the Atmega 32u4 if I am using the 32u4's internal clock, or must I have an external clock source?
NewToArduino's user avatar
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Red LED not turning off on Adafruit Circuit Playground Classic

When using the traditional Blink example program, the light blinks as expected. Even when writing from scratch digitalWriteing pin 13 to high and low repeatedly works fine. The problem is when I try ...
Daffy's user avatar
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Schematic with Atmega32U4 and WS2812 Led (Smiley Shape). Does it work? [closed]

I'm new here and I'm a newbie in electronics. Since 1 year I'm playing around with Arduino (different types) and now I want to build my own thing: a smiley with WS2812D-F5 RGB leds. But I'm not sure ...
swim hive's user avatar
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Arduino stopped working: avrdude: ser_open(): can't set com-state

I'm playing with my first Arduino device (Arduino Leonardo). It worked fine but at some point it failed. I'm getting this error: avrdude: ser_open(): can't set com-state for "\.\COM6" An ...
Yevgen's user avatar
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Trying to install amforth on Leonardo board

Just got a Arduino Leonardo (with headers) dropped in my lap this week. I've tried experimenting with the Arduino C++ IDE and find it awkward. I have some previous experience with Forth and would like ...
jski's user avatar
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Can an Arduino (Leonardo) be recognized via Bluetooth as a mouse/keyboard?

I'm new to wireless communication on Arduinos and doing research for a project. I'm looking at the Arduino Leonardo (which is like the Uno) which via its micro USB port can be automatically recognized ...
Spectraljump's user avatar
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Is it possible to upload an arduino sketch through the serial port (RX) instead of USB

In another words, is it possible to develop a custom bootloader so sketches can be uploaded via serial connection made using the RX/TX pins and not via the USB connector (I am using Pro Micro boards)? ...
Olivier's user avatar
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Atmega 32U4 doesn't show on device manager after fuse bits reset

I am finally ready to try setting fuse bits on my ATMega32u4-AU custom board (8Mhz Ceramic Resonators, 3.3V), however, after I set the fuse bits and plug my board to computer, the device manager ...
Harmony Yu's user avatar
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Latest datasheet for Leonardo's ATmega32U4 [closed]

What is the authoritative source(s) for the ATmega32U4 (or any Arduino chip for that matter) datasheet?
Tom Hale's user avatar
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Digital I/O threshold voltages for ATmega32u4

What are the voltages on a ATmega32u4 (eg Arduino Leonardo) such that a HIGH or LOW is read? I want to ensure that I'm reading the chip reference manual correctly, where Table 29-1 says: VIL: Input ...
Tom Hale's user avatar
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Arduino Micro draws too much power from iPhone. How can I change that?

I'm building a USB keyboard that has two buttons - space and enter. The plan is to use this USB keyboard (with an Apple Lightning connector to USB) with the built in iOS switch control. I bought the ...
Jesse Fryar's user avatar
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Question about controlling servos with PWM while being able to accurately read the current from a sensor

Hi I am hoping to design a custom board ATMEGA32u4 with practically a Arduino leonardo bootloader. I plan to control up to 12 servos while being able to read back the current sensor voltage of an ...
DST's user avatar
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32u4 using internal clock on custom PCB - loading sketch

I have a custom PCB with a 32u4 running fine with an 8MHz external oscillator. I burned the bootloader and loaded my sketch with an UNO using Arduino as ISP. I have no USB on my PCB nor do I need ...
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Eclipse Arduino Leonardo Pro Micro ATMega32U4 Programming Issue

Help Needed as I am little bit lost. I've procured a Pro Micro Board from sparkfun. Great little board and it work like clock work when using the standard Arduino Programming IDE. Well Copied the ...
Marthinus Venter's user avatar
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Is Arduino Keyboard in Single User Mode Possible?

Has anyone had success using the keyboard functionality of any arduino in single user mode of mac computers? I would like to inject keystrokes in single user mode, and have been unsuccessful with the ...
necrosato's user avatar