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Need Help Communicating with Arduino Leonardo Using Custom Bootloader

I have an Arduino Leonardo that has been flashed with a custom bootloader, and it currently has a sketch on it that I cannot replace or modify because doing so would brick the board. The board works ...
FenixProGamer's user avatar
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Cannot change fuses on ATmega32U4

I have a custom board based on Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32u4). As usual I used the Arduino IDE to burn the bootloader with my Atmel ICE ISP programmer. This time it failed complaining about some errors ...
Mark's user avatar
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Porting Arduino for ATMEGA16U2 [duplicate]

I have a bunch of ATMEGA16U2 in my drawer and I need to make a small production of custom boards with Arduino-based firmware. After a Google search I learn the ATMEGA16U2 is often hosted on the ...
Mark's user avatar
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How do I recover a beetle where I loaded a program that was too large and overwrote the bootloader?

I'm doing on-target unit testing for an industrialized application and my test code is too large to fit everything on the board at the same time. I'm using the Sloeber toolset to develop, and I put ...
Laurence Gordon's user avatar
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ATMEGA32u4 Arduino Bootloader Issues

I've been struggling with this issue for a few days on and off now.  I made a custom PCB (schematic) for a smaller Arduino Pro Micro and it works - mostly.  The only issue I had was that the pins on ...
av324192's user avatar
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Leonardo clone being recognized by Windows as a broken Linino One - wtf?

I'm running a Velleman VMA103, which is advertised as a clone of the Leonardo. Both use the 32u4 chip, and the pinout is exactly the same. However, when I plug it in, the drivers do something weird. ...
dododododo's user avatar
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why leonardo bootloader is bigger than UNO?

Apparently leonardo and UNO are very similar boards. However, despite that both have the same flash memory size, Leonardo bootloader is considerably bigger than UNO bootloader (4KB vs 0.5KB). what ...
dsncode's user avatar
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Using Arduino libraries for adding more functionalities to a bootloader

I have a short question to ask before putting time for research. I have an Arduino Leonardo with the LUFA mass storage bootloader flashed. Now what I need to do is to add more functionalities to the ...
Isuru's user avatar
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Problem with uploading LUFA MassStorage .hex file to Leonardo

I have been trying to make my Leonardo board to work as a USB device. So I started with compiling the open source LUFA USB library demo "MassStorage" for the Leonardo board settings. Since I'm using ...
Isuru's user avatar
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ard-reset-arduino resetting Leonardo/Micro via USB works on OSX, fails on Ubuntu

I'm trying to program a Leonardo (actually a Micro ATmega32U4) via the command line using USB. Schematically, I'm doing ard-reset-arduino followed by a sleep 1 and an avrdude command. This works ...
fearless_fool's user avatar
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ATmega32U4 (Leonardo/Pro Micro) bootloader, 8K rather than 4K?

Recently hit the dreaded 0x7000 / 28k~ AVRDUDE+LUFA limit. It states everywhere this is because the bootloader uses 4KB, thus reducing the 32KB to 28KB. Makes sense, except... Blank sketches on the ...
Malachi's user avatar
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Burning Arduino Leonardo Bootloader to ATmega32U4 with 8MHz internal clock

Burning question: So, I'm trying to burn the Arduino Leo bootloader onto a ATmega32U4 that's on 3.3V and the internal 8MHz clock. Do I have to modify and rebuild the bootloader to set the fuses ...
BlackJester's user avatar
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Is serial modem routine written on the Arduino Leonardo bootloader?

I'm starting with Leonardo and I'm a bit confuse about the serial modem function. As you know on boot the Leonardo for the first 8 seconds wait for a program on the USB port and then it goes in serial ...
DomingoSL's user avatar
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Leonardo sketch and bootloader hex file combination

Can I combine Leonardo sketch hex file with the Leonardo bootloader hex file? I would like to program blank Atmega32U4 with one shot.
Tigran's user avatar
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Problem loading sketch to Leonardo

Today I got Arduino Leonardo to replace my Uno. I've tried running one of sketches I use on the Uno, but with no luck. When I start the upload, RX LED on the Leonardo flashes few times, and after ...
Kaidan Alenko's user avatar
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What's wrong with my undetected, unresponsive Arduino Robot?

I was wondering if someone could try and solve a major problem I've been having with a brand new Arduino Robot (similar to an Arduino Leonardo). Any input would be very much appreciated! I've been ...
jonnolly's user avatar
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Can I speed up the Leonardo bootloader?

Inspired by an example question before beta, can I make the Leonardo bootloader take less that 8 seconds to run? It is very slow and I want to speed it up somehow.
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