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Is serial modem routine written on the Arduino Leonardo bootloader?

I'm starting with Leonardo and I'm a bit confuse about the serial modem function. As you know on boot the Leonardo for the first 8 seconds wait for a program on the USB port and then it goes in serial ...
DomingoSL's user avatar
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Leonardo sketch and bootloader hex file combination

Can I combine Leonardo sketch hex file with the Leonardo bootloader hex file? I would like to program blank Atmega32U4 with one shot.
Tigran's user avatar
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Cannot change fuses on ATmega32U4

I have a custom board based on Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32u4). As usual I used the Arduino IDE to burn the bootloader with my Atmel ICE ISP programmer. This time it failed complaining about some errors ...
Mark's user avatar
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ATMEGA32u4 Arduino Bootloader Issues

I've been struggling with this issue for a few days on and off now.  I made a custom PCB (schematic) for a smaller Arduino Pro Micro and it works - mostly.  The only issue I had was that the pins on ...
av324192's user avatar
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Need Help Communicating with Arduino Leonardo Using Custom Bootloader

I have an Arduino Leonardo that has been flashed with a custom bootloader, and it currently has a sketch on it that I cannot replace or modify because doing so would brick the board. The board works ...
FenixProGamer's user avatar