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Can I flash hoodloader2 or HEX files on Arduino Simulators?

I want to make a HID Keyboard out of Arduino UNO, in UNO board the script runs perfectly fine, but the UNO board requires me to flash it every-time I want to put in a new script in it, so can I do the ...
thessaksh's user avatar
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Is there any way to do real time voice communication via bluetooth on arduino?

Is there any way to send and play voice between two arduino projects which has connected via blutooth modules. 1st device ( sender ) : has microphone and bluetooth module to send voice. 2nd device ( ...
techTrainee's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

String(int) function stopping the Arduino

Well I am trying make an application with arduino leonardo and GSM Shield. There are conditions if, else if, else .. etc if (smsMetni.indexOf("DURUM") != -1) { Serial.println("SMS ...
mehmet's user avatar
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Can't get keypad to use Keyboard.write on an Arduino Uno

I've tried to use Keypad.h and Keyboard.h libraries to get my Arduino to use my Keypad for Keyboard input. I'll start with working keypad code (which is pretty easy but it's my first post so I want ...
Atlantic's user avatar
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Connecting Arduino Uno to Arduino Leonardo

I have an RFID shield connected to my Arduino Uno, but I want it to be able to send keystrokes to the computer when I scan the correct card. I have the Uno set up correctly so that when the card is ...
Ryan Vogel's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Multiple Time-Sensitive Tasks

I'm using an Arduino Leonardo and need to perform two time-sensitive tasks like this: // Task 1 - Gets executed once a second (1Hz) // Execution of task needs approx 70ms task1(); //Sending a ...
MarayJay's user avatar
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Connect Arduino to LiDAR via RS-232

Edit: We're so close! Update at bottom! I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but since you helped my so much in the past, I thought it's worth a try. So as I stated in my last question, I'...
MarayJay's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to connect accelerometer, GPS, microphone and a GSM module to a Arduino? [closed]

I am a noob in the Arduino world and have only started reading about it. I have zero experience with Arduino some suggestions to increase my level will also be highly appreciated. But I have a lot of ...
mahim85's user avatar
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1 answer

Flash size in boards.txt ATmega 328p 32u4

The ATmega328p and ATmega32u4 microcontroller have 32Kb of flash memory (as datasheet). Bootloader for each microcontroleer has different size (about 512 byte for 328p and 4kb for 32u4). Why in ...
Mario J.'s user avatar
1 vote
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Problem sending IR signal on Arduino Leonardo/Uno (IRRemote library)

I am trying to use my Arduino Leonardo (or Uno!) as a remote with the IRRemote library. The current setup picks up and decodes a signal perfectly, but fails to retransmit it. I have tested the ...
symtek's user avatar
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Arduino IDE 1.8.8 built in 1.2.1 Temboo Library?

I am weirded about the built-in "latest Temboo library" with the latest Arduino IDE; when a previous older code says to download the latest Temboo version < 2? (which I found this: https://temboo....
John Doe's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Leonardo Problem

I have boiled this down to a very simple piece of code: int testKey; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { Serial.println("Input Source ID "); //Ask me the number while (Serial....
bigmike333's user avatar
0 votes
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Sending a digital signal from one Arduino to another to trigger an event

I am wanting to send a digital signal from one Arduino to another. The goal is for one Arduino send a HIGH signal to a pin on the receiving Arduino. While the pin is HIGH, do function I initially ...
Edward's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Running multiple programs with one Arduino [closed]

Is it a problem to use multiple softwares to read the data that came from the same USB port simultaneously? I have a board connected to a PC by USB, which is read by an application developed in C#. I ...
Rafael Fernandes's user avatar
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Unable to use Keyboard library with Arduino UNO even after changing the firmware

So I'm trying to use my UNO as an HID device. I followed this tutorial, flashed the firmware and got the UNO to be detected as an HID device. However, I am still getting the error 'Keyboard' not ...
YaddyVirus's user avatar
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Programming Arduino with FTDI via Tx and Rx pins

How program Arduino with a FTDI cable/breakout_board via pins 0 (Rx) and 1 (Tx)? In case the USB to UART chip (16U2 or other) is broken, you can program Arduino with a FTDI instead of 16U2 or other ...
jecrespo's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Conversion of Arrays into Matrix? [closed]

I'm going through problem in Arduino code. I have three Arrays and want to convert them into a matrix. I have tried hard but couldn't solve issue. float lb1[24]={1580,480,1580,1580,580,1950,3125,...
Hafeez Ahmad Fii Zue's user avatar
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why leonardo bootloader is bigger than UNO?

Apparently leonardo and UNO are very similar boards. However, despite that both have the same flash memory size, Leonardo bootloader is considerably bigger than UNO bootloader (4KB vs 0.5KB). what ...
dsncode's user avatar
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6 votes
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A question about resistance measurement with arduino

Lately I was asking myself about the possibility of measuring a potentiometer resistance with Arduino. My questions are: Is it possible? If it's possible, what kind of restriction does the Arduino ...
Julio Orozco's user avatar
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Converting char array to int

I'm trying to use nRF24L01 module to send a messages between 2 arduinos Transmiter code: const char text[] = "Hello World"; radio.write(&text, sizeof(text)); delay(1000); Reciver code: ...
Anna K's user avatar
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7 answers

How accurate is arduino time keeping?

I want to use my arduino to turn a light off for 16 hours and on for 8 hours. I know the general code, just using delays and the relay shield code as well. I want to know how accurate this will be? ( ...
Peter's user avatar
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How to get started? [closed]

I'm a guy who loves the tech world, but more in particular the Robotic one. I wanna start developing/making my first creations of robots or sort of. I won a little board from Texas Instrument from the ...
FET's user avatar
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67 votes
2 answers

How do you use SPI on an Arduino?

With reference to the Arduino Uno, Mega2560, Leonardo and similar boards: How does SPI work? How fast is SPI? How do I connect between a master and a slave? How do I make an SPI slave? Please note: ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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Can I use analogReadResolution() on an Uno or Leonardo?

I am trying to get a spectrum analyser up and running. I found the following code on Galileo GEN2 Project - Real-Time Audio Spectrum Analyzer1: /* * * Galileo GEN2 Project - Real-Time Audio ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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Disabling i2c internal pull up resistors

How do you do this? I've been digging around and I can see that I should do this and supply my own external pull up resistors but I don't know exactly how to disable them. The pages I've been reading ...
David Tran's user avatar
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3 answers

How big of a difference is there between an Arduino Uno and the rest?

Lately I've been fooling around with a project for my Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro Joystick. I've found out that there is a project currently for it built for the Teensy 2.0. On the page ...
KillerXtreme's user avatar
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How would I establish a serial connection with python without using the serial monitor? [duplicate]

How would I establish a serial connection with python without using the serial monitor? What I want to do is give my python script some input and have the arduino do something (blink for example) I ...
RocketTwitch's user avatar
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Arduino Controlling through C#

i would like to measure some signals from arduino and send it to a pc using USART and display the results in a c# winform application. Does anyone have such a project example ? Besides, i want to send ...
user3213767's user avatar
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Why PIN3 stays at 1v3 in a IR emitter project?

Here is my very simple IR emitter circuit. OSI5FU5111C-40 is an infrared LED. I am using the IRremote library from here in this simple sketch, #include <IRremote.h> unsigned int raw[100]={... *...
Znatz's user avatar
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2 answers

Keyboardmessage on Arduino UNO

Can an Arduino UNO and Arduino Leonardo do the same things? Some of the examples in the Arduino software say to use Leonardo e.g. KeyboardMessage.
usingla's user avatar
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2 votes
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Arduino Uno and Leonardo SPI clock can't be measured

I want to measure the SPI clock (pin 13) using the Arduino example code for the SPI library (very simple example). Basically independent from the loop function, the clock should be fired continuously. ...
user3213767's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Why do some pins have a different PWM frequency?

According to the Arduino reference for analogWrite(), the PWM frequency on most pins is ~490 Hz. However, it's ~980 Hz for pins 5 and 6 on the Uno, and for pins 3 and 11 on the Leonardo. Why are ...
Peter Bloomfield's user avatar