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Can I flash hoodloader2 or HEX files on Arduino Simulators?

I want to make a HID Keyboard out of Arduino UNO, in UNO board the script runs perfectly fine, but the UNO board requires me to flash it every-time I want to put in a new script in it, so can I do the ...
thessaksh's user avatar
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Is there any way to do real time voice communication via bluetooth on arduino?

Is there any way to send and play voice between two arduino projects which has connected via blutooth modules. 1st device ( sender ) : has microphone and bluetooth module to send voice. 2nd device ( ...
techTrainee's user avatar
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Problem sending IR signal on Arduino Leonardo/Uno (IRRemote library)

I am trying to use my Arduino Leonardo (or Uno!) as a remote with the IRRemote library. The current setup picks up and decodes a signal perfectly, but fails to retransmit it. I have tested the ...
symtek's user avatar
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Arduino IDE 1.8.8 built in 1.2.1 Temboo Library?

I am weirded about the built-in "latest Temboo library" with the latest Arduino IDE; when a previous older code says to download the latest Temboo version < 2? (which I found this: https://temboo....
John Doe's user avatar
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Connecting Arduino Uno to Arduino Leonardo

I have an RFID shield connected to my Arduino Uno, but I want it to be able to send keystrokes to the computer when I scan the correct card. I have the Uno set up correctly so that when the card is ...
Ryan Vogel's user avatar