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Stepper Motor is not working with A4988 board

You have to connect the sleep and reset pin together. I assume that you took this schema on how to mechatronics. In his video you see that the sleep and reset pins are connected. I don't know why but ...
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Why does my stepper motor run when I open the Serial port?

When you open or reopen the Serial port, the Arduino resets (depending on how you open it; some programs don't send the signal on DTR or RTS, which result in the reset). My guess is, that the stepper ...
chrisl's user avatar
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Stepper motor slow when reading from MPU 6050 sensor

I cannot say, why that principle works for the author of that tutorial. Though I can guess the reason, why your motors runs so slow. The function, that actually drives the motor, is stepper.runSpeed()....
chrisl's user avatar
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Are my stepper motors being burnt out? What is the issue here?

So the problem was that somehow the potentiometer had reset its own vref output. I couldn't adjust it after it did this. I replaced both drivers and it works like a charm now.
Drake Ford's user avatar
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How can I pulse a stepper motor whilst also wanting to handle other tasks?

Instead of delaying between pulses, loop around the main loop() function as fast as possible constantly checking the time to see if we should pulse the motor. This means that computations can occur ...
Joe Iddon's user avatar
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How to connect a MPU-6050 to an Arduino that already has a CNC Shield V3 on top of it?

MPU6050 can use only I2C. Those are pins A4 and A5 on an Uno. 5V and ground are 5v and ground, no matter from which pin
Juraj's user avatar
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Running two NEMA 17 motors, one by one, using the Arduino Uno

A minor issue that probably won't affect your result is that Serial.println("ONE STEP CLIMB ON VERTCAL AXIS"); --> digitalWrite(9,LOW); // This line 'needs' adding digitalWrite(7,HIGH); // Set ...
Code Gorilla's user avatar
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A4988 Vref too low

You have a 30K resistor divider in series with the trimmer. Change the 30K resistor for one rated at 27K to obtain those higher values. ;)
Ezequiel Farias's user avatar
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Stepper motor jittering

Add a second delay after: digitalWrite(X_STEP_PIN , LOW); Also try increasing the delay maybe you are pulsing the step pin too fast.
Andre Courchesne's user avatar

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