I want to turn on a pump that is running 12V and draws a current of max 1.7A with my Arduino Uno.
To do this, I bought the RFP30N06LE MOSFET and followed these instructions to wire it all up.
I connected the red wire from the pump to VIN of the Arduino and plugged a 12V 2A power brick into the Arduino. However, when I put the output pin to HIGH, the pump only pumps weakly and the MOSFET gets very hot.
When I connect the pump straight to VIN and GND, it works as expected, so the Arduino is able to provide the required current. I'm thinking that there is something to the MOSFET that I am not understanding correctly. I measured VGS at 4.5V, so the MOSFET should be able to handle the current. Is there anything I am missing?
This is the (very simple) sketch I'm using to test it all:
#define PIN_PUMP_ON 7
void setup() {
void loop() {
digitalWrite(PIN_PUMP_ON, HIGH);
followed these instructions
.... no you did not .... the instructions do not say to connect the motor to the Arduino VinYou can supply voltage through this pin, or, if supplying voltage via the power jack, access it through this pin.