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Arduino rc plane logger

It is not an Arduino answer but a Raspberry Pi with a Sense hat will record most of what you need with little coding. Add a Pi camera and you have all this for about $100. The Sense Hat temperature ...
GBG's user avatar
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Arduino/Genuino 101 5 volts pin

In Genuino 5V pin is a DC regulated pin. That means when you supply Power (9 to 12 V) to Vin or through the DC Jack, a 5V voltage regulator regulates to give constant output at 5 V. The purpose of ...
goddland_16's user avatar
1 vote

I2C device responding, but data is nacked

Since this has been reopened i figured i'd post what the problem was, in the end and what i did to fix it. it turns out, that even though the documentation of the Curie tells us to apply a level ...
Ron's user avatar
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FFT library for Arduino 101?

I used lightweighted KissFFT (Mark Borgerding) at Arduino Mega and seems it is pure C code so should be running anywhere.
TMa's user avatar
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autoCalibrateAccelerometerOffset() Why does my Z values swing from 0 to 1g in static condition?

Assuming you aren't jumping up and down while this is happening then it could be: A loose wire A dodgy power supply A bad earth connection A fault sensor A weird magnetic field/flux thing Check you ...
Code Gorilla's user avatar
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How to select arduino 101 in ubuntu?

The default serial port it shows up in for me is ttyACM0 You can set this as your default port, so when you open the IDE with sudo arduino ~ $ vim ~/.arduino/preferences.txt change the value for ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to select arduino 101 in ubuntu?

In that ancient version of the IDE? You don't. You download and install the latest version of the IDE from the Arduino website, then use the Boards Manager to install the packages that include the ...
Majenko's user avatar
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System voltages: Can I use a 5V touchscreen shield on a 3.3V arduino?

You'll probably need a fairly common device known as a logic level converter. One such example, in breakout board form, can be found here: There are tons of ...
Michael Stachowsky's user avatar
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I seem to be having trouble with these libraries and the Arduino 101. Can anyone look at my output and tell me what I should do?

So it looks like you have some warnings in Sd2Card.cpp, SdFile.cpp, TFTv2.cpp For the most part you can ignore these warnings As for SeeedTouchScreen.cpp it looks like you're getting Errors for pins. ...
tisaconundrum's user avatar
1 vote

Genuino 101 - Can't upload my sketch - Timeout Error

Problem solved with a downgrade of the Arduino 101 core. Try with all available versions.
UserK's user avatar
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Genuino 101 - Can't upload my sketch - Timeout Error

I have the same problem while uploading sketches , when i uploading the sketch and press MASTER_RESET button solved my problem . when it shows Waiting for device... just press the MASTER_RESET . ...
SalFar's user avatar
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Genuino 101 - Can't upload my sketch - Timeout Error

Is the Genuino 101 board been recognized by the OS? Sounds like your board is not being recognized by the system. For windows, open up your device manager before plugging into the PC. After plugging ...
Photon's user avatar
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