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Cannot change fuses on ATmega32U4

I have a custom board based on Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32u4). As usual I used the Arduino IDE to burn the bootloader with my Atmel ICE ISP programmer. This time it failed complaining about some errors ...
Mark's user avatar
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How to Burn Bootloader with custom Fuses

I have a Atmega328p IC without external Crystal (My target). When I use a arduino to burn the bootloader to my target, the Arduino as ISP sketch changes the fuses of my target, so it tries to use its ...
Christianidis Vasilis's user avatar
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Can the Arduino (Nano) bootloader be updated via itself and the Arduino IDE or is an ISP required?

I ran into the following error with a recent Arduino IDE version (1.8.9) when trying to upload to an "Arduino Nano" clone (ATmega328P): avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding avrdude: ...
handle's user avatar
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Atmega 32U4 doesn't show on device manager after fuse bits reset

I am finally ready to try setting fuse bits on my ATMega32u4-AU custom board (8Mhz Ceramic Resonators, 3.3V), however, after I set the fuse bits and plug my board to computer, the device manager ...
Harmony Yu's user avatar
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ATtiny85 serial communication, bootloader and setting up fuses

I have been reading some articles about ATtiny and how to burn the bootloader. And I have two questions which I can't figure out. Do I need to manually setup fuses to run 8 MHz on my ATtiny when I'm ...
Isara De Silva's user avatar
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Uploading to atmega328 over serial with arduino bootloader running at 2MHz

I want to run an atmega328 on a breadboard at 2MHz and upload to it via the serial pins (pins 2 and 3). So I am setting the clock divide by 8 fuse bit to enable this, meaning the atmega runs at 2MHz ...
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