I want to parse JSON response from a GET Request. I do this usually by using a String variable to store the response and later parse this string using ArduinoJSON library like shown below:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "OTA.h"
#include "Credentials.h"
#include <HTTPClient.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>

const char url[] = "http://date.jsontest.com/";

HTTPClient getClient;

void getRequest(String &payload)

  int httpCode = getClient.GET();

  if (httpCode > 0)
    payload = getClient.getString();
    // Serial.print("HTTP Status: ");
    // Serial.println(httpCode);
    Serial.println("Error on HTTP request");

void parseResponse(String &payload)

  StaticJsonDocument<128> doc;

  DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, payload);

  if (error)
    Serial.print("deserializeJson() failed: ");

  const char *time = doc["time"]; // "03:53:25 AM"
  // unsigned long *epoch = doc["milliseconds_since_epoch"]; // 1362196405309
  const char *date = doc["date"]; // "03-02-2013"


void setup()
  setupOTA("ESP-N2", mySSID, myPASSWORD);


void loop()

  unsigned long newTime = millis();
  static unsigned long oldTime = 0;
  String payload;

  if (newTime - oldTime >= 5000)
    oldTime = newTime;

I want to avoid using String and ArduinoJSON offician reference page mentions that it's possible to deserialize directly from input Stream e.g. wifiClient, ethernetclient or serial but I couldn't find any example showing it's usage. So I am curious to learn how to use it.

From my basic understanding of a Stream, I suppose I need define a buffer or memory location that will hold the incoming bytes and using the address of this buffer need to read data bit by bit. So do I need to do something like this:

char buffer[]= httpClient.getStream();

and then pass this buffer as input to deserialize function? or have I gotten it completely wrong?


1 Answer 1


httpClient.getStream() returns an instance of Stream that you can pass to deserializeJson(), like so:

deserializeJson(doc, httpClient.getStream());

However, by doing so, you bypass the code in HTTPClient that handles chunked transfer encoding, so you must call httpClient.useHTTP10(true) before calling GET to make sure the server won't return a chunked response.

See How to use ArduinoJson with HTTPClient?

  • Thanks a lot for the explanation. I am happy to learn the Stream usage. It works well but I also get [D][HTTPClient.cpp:378] disconnect(): still data in buffer (1), clean up. [D][HTTPClient.cpp:387] disconnect(): tcp stop. Since I am reading all the stream data, which data it might be referring to? Can it cause an issue like memory leakage or fragmentation?
    – Zaffresky
    Commented Dec 27, 2021 at 14:29
  • 1
    I added ChunkedStreamReader to my StreamLib. it wraps an input Stream and decodes the chunked input: github.com/jandrassy/StreamLib/blob/…
    – Juraj
    Commented Dec 30, 2021 at 18:34
  • I followed the approach mentioned in the docs but it seems that my GET requests fail when I use http1.0. My server is running on aws (amplify) and uses http2. What should I do in this case?
    – seddouguim
    Commented Jun 19, 2023 at 14:14

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