I'd like my ESP8266 to provide some JSON endpoints. I want to use ArduinoJson for serialisation. While this works in general if I serialize into a String and return this String afterwards, I was wondering if there is really no way to do this without wasting so much memory. Shouldn't it be possible to do something like this? Any hints?
ESP8266WebServer server;
StaticJsonDocument<768> response;
response["night"] = _playback.isNight();
response["shuffle"] = _playback.isShuffle();
server.send_P(200, "application/json", NULL);
serializeJson(response, server.client());
(this gives the following error:)
no instance of overloaded function "serializeJson" matches the argument list -- argument types are: (ArduinoJson6141_0000010::StaticJsonDocument<768U>, WiFiServer::ClientType)
is defined asWiFiClient
, which inherits fromClient
, which inherits fromStream
, which inherits fromPrint
, which you should be able to serialize to. Could you try to serialize toSerial
, just to see if it works?