I'm trying to create an Arduino Uno following the circuit described in the diagram below which I'd based from here.
I'd tried this circuit on an Atmega328 PDIP version (with the correct connections since the PDIP has different pinouts from this TQFP) and I was successful in creating and using my own Arduino.
However, when I've used the TQFP version and had this circuit layout and printed on a pcb, I can't burn the bootloader using an Arduino UNO.
I've double checked the pinouts from the Atmega328P datasheet and they are correct. Using a tester, I've also verified that the connections are there.
By the way, I've used the following connections.
Arduino Digital Pin 13 to SCLK
Arduino Digital Pin 12 to MISO
Arduino Digital Pin 11 to MOSI
Arduino Digital Pin 10 to RESET
Arduino 5V to VCC
Arduino GND to GND
I've also burned the ArduinoISP program on th Arduino UNO, selected Arduino as ISP and chosen Arduino UNO as board.
When I press 'Burn Bootloader', I'm getting this error message.
avrdude: Device signature = 0x000000
avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature.
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
this check.
I've looked at different forums and they are only saying to check the connections which I'd already checked that there is.