I am creating a standalone Arduino using Atmega328P. The circuit is below.
However, I'm seeing
avrdude: Device signature = 0x000000 error
whenever I try to burn the Arduino Uno bootloader. I'm assuming that the chip isn't responding to the SPI lines?
I know I'm doing something wrong but I can't see it.
My connections are
SCLK --> Arduino Pin 13
MISO --> Arduino Pin 12
MOSI --> Arduino Pin 11
Reset --> Arduino Pin 10
VIN --> 5V
I'm using a true Arduino UNO as the ISP. I've uploaded the ArduinoISP code into it, choose Arduino as ISP as Programmer and Arduino Uno on boards. The programming connections are just wired from Arduino UNO pins to some vias I've purposely added on the layout.
As mentioned in the comments, I'm adding an image of the layout here.
I've tried this very circuit on an atmega328P soldered in a TQFP adapter and with the other components soldered on the adapter as well (looks like a jungle of wires) and somehow I was able to burn the bootloader.
Hoping someone can point out what's wrong.