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9 votes

How to organize my Arduino projects' structure for easy source control?

MyProject |_MyProject |_MyProject.ino |_data | |_documentation | |_PCB | |_schematics |_src |_MyProjectLibrary1 |_ThirdPartyLibrary MyProject folder (repository root) The ...
per1234's user avatar
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8 votes

Hiding WLAN password when pushing to GitHub

You could commit the following file into your project, named credentials.h: // Replace with your actual SSID and password: #define WIFI_SSID "Your SSID here" #define WIFI_PASSWD "WLAN AP password ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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6 votes

Hiding WLAN password when pushing to GitHub

Sure you can use a config file. It's called a "header" file, and you just #include it in your sketch. [config.h (not pushed)] const char *password = "DOD982yp398fhgpwbn09tupf0p04"; [sketch.ino (...
Majenko's user avatar
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5 votes

Hiding WLAN password when pushing to GitHub

Building upon the shoulders of giants I took Edger Bonet's answer and used a slightly different twist. I went this route because I don't use a makefile and found this solution works well for me in my ...
Jake1164's user avatar
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5 votes

Include Git tag (or SVN revision) in Arduino sketch?

Inspired by Cellie's answer, I investigated further and found a similar method that can be implemented using the regular interface of the Arduino IDE. It appears that GitHub user Wackerbarth, while ...
Edgar Bonet's user avatar
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3 votes

Include Git tag (or SVN revision) in Arduino sketch?

I struggled with Arduino (ESP32) versioning also. To make it somewhat more practical and less error prone I made some scripts to assist this process. Using these scripts is as easy as adding them to ...
Cellie's user avatar
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3 votes

How can Arduino source code be tested automatically (continuous integration)?

I've just put together a decent size writeup as an answer to this related question about an Arduino CI/unit testing framework I wrote that's finally mature enough to start talking publicly about. The ...
Ian's user avatar
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3 votes

How can Arduino source code be tested automatically (continuous integration)?

I wrote this test unittest framework for Arduino, since i could not find proper existing. While i did not write it for CI, it would be good fit for CI job, since it requires no hardware but can be ran ...
susundberg's user avatar
2 votes

Firmware backup and restore

Yes. You need to create a factory partition and upload your bin file to there. You can read more about ESP32 partitions here Note that none of the partition schemes in the ESP32 core have factory ...
Majenko's user avatar
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2 votes

Include Git tag (or SVN revision) in Arduino sketch?

If you're using Platformio, add this in platformio.ini file build_flags = !echo '-D GIT_VERSION=\\"'$(git rev-parse HEAD)'\\"' And use it like this: Serial.printf("Firmware version: %s\n", ...
Lucianovici's user avatar
2 votes

How to organize my Arduino projects' structure for easy source control?

Probably really late to the game but it's a popular enough question to answer using slightly different methods than those posted already. If you need to maintain compatibility with Arduino IDE ...
Mike Alger's user avatar
2 votes

Include Git tag (or SVN revision) in Arduino sketch?

I met the same problem and based on the previous answers I wrote this script for Arduino IDE. I'm using it successfully on different OSs for many months to now. In the repository, you can find the ...
fabianoriccardi's user avatar
1 vote

Include Git tag (or SVN revision) in Arduino sketch?

Inspired by Edgar's Bash script, I wrote a Windows Batch script do almost the same in adition to copying HEX file from the temp build directory to the project directory and insert commit hash, date, ...
Yahya Tawil's user avatar

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