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Questions tagged [rx-pin]

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avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout error for bluetooth arduino

I am trying to link the Bluetooth module to my arduino UNO in order to wirelessly program a robot. The only issue that I am having is that the bluetooth module does not seem to pick up the arduino. ...
DigitalRookie4's user avatar
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Arduino with HC-05 Bluetooth Module | No data will be transmitted

I've got an Arduino Uno (Elegoo R3) and a Hc-05 bluetooth module. First of all i want to send data with an android app (Bluetooth terminal) to the Arduino and turn pin 13 (LED) on. My Arduino code: #...
Verilyzed's user avatar
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TX, RX, ON, L LEDs were red at all time

Before seeing this error I did a project with my Uno board using a Bluetooth module. After that, when I powered the board to upload another program, 4 LEDs (L, TX, RX, ON) went red without blinking. ...
Brown's user avatar
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How to send and receive data from serial using analog pins?

I have L293D shield connected to my arduino UNO and it fills nearly all the digital pins including TX(1) and RX(0) pins. I know this function, but as far as I know, it works for digital pins. ...
Ömer Faruk Navruz's user avatar
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Parallel communication between multiple Arduino

Here's a post which explained the communication standard. I need to establish communication between multiple Arduino nano board. I have used SPI bus on one of the Arduino board for wireless ...
ShoutOutAndCalculate's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why should I connect GND to RST to send data through Rx using USB-TTL?

I've found that when I use Arduino Nano connected with USB everything is working great, and when I tryed to use it with USB to TTL connector I've understood that I can only read data. I tryed to ...
Даниил Поляков's user avatar
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Alternative Rx/Tx Pins for Arduino Uno and Pro Mini

Do they have specific pins that is best to be use as Rx/Tx pins (aside from D0 and D1)? If so, what makes them special? edit: What pin feature i should look out for when choosing the rx/tx pin? Is ...
slifer's user avatar
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ESP8266 + HC-05 on same arduino

I'm absolutely new to arduino, so please excuse me if this is a noob question. I want to use a ESP8266 esp-03 Wifi module with a HC-05 bluetooth module together with my arduino uno. Unfortunately ...
Daniel Gretzke's user avatar
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2 answers

Arduino Uno won't upload code and overheats

We are using an Arduino Uno R3 connected via USB to a computer. The main problem is that we can't upload any code to the board. We get this error in the Arduino IDE console: avrdude: ser_open(): ...
Chris Rivera's user avatar
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RX and TX pin in Arduino Uno

I have LED Cube Project, and I want to activate the LED with My Android apps (Bluetooth). The LED Cube used A0-A5 and D0-D13 Pins, and the Bluetooth need RX and TX (D0, D1). Where I can put the RX ...
Rifky's user avatar
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Arduino Mega Pins for SoftwareSerial (vs. AltSoftSerial)

I am currently looking at using an Arduino Mega to build a MIDI Receive box that will then pump the data over USB, but am having design issues/uncertainties with the Arduino's receiving end. I am ...
som3oneMw's user avatar
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Sharing serial Rx to read a push button on ESP8266-01

I'd like to know if it's possible, and if so how to use the serial Rx pin in a shared way to read a push button? I've seen people using it in sort of a dedicated way but my idea is to use it ...
haxpanel's user avatar
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When I see the red RX LED flash I am wondering if it means there is an error? [closed]

Each time I press a particular button in my circuit the red RX light flashes briefly. I have been having trouble with making this button perform the command it should, I and am wondering if the RX ...
Ardunio User's user avatar
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Easy way to upload sketches using MIDI (without RX pin removed)

I noticed when I use sketches with MIDI (using RX/TX), before uploading I have to remove every time the RX wire ... is there an easy way to prevent this? (I'm thinking about making a push button/...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar