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2 Digit 7 segment display 10 second countdown paused by a change in pressure from an air pressure sensor

I have a 2 digit 7 segment display and a barometric pressure sensor attached to an Arduino nano. I have 2 issues: once I enter the pause state the 7 segment display will just display something random ...
Nathan H.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Pressure transducer returns 2.4v at 0 psi when working with a 0.5v to 4.5v pressure transducer

I have this pressure transducer: The transducer has a range of 0.5v to 4.5v which translates to 0 psi to 100 psi. ...
masafood's user avatar
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1 answer

Connecting pressure sensor to Arduino to collect pressure and time data

I'm trying to build a pressure data logger using an Arduino and Mindman MP47P-03-F1 ( pressure sensor, the sensor is connected to an outer 12-24 ...
Omer Davidi's user avatar
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1 answer

Connect an MPX10DP Pressure Sensor to an Arduino Mega 2560

I'm literally new to using Arduino, i am trying to build a Pitot Tube to measure airspeed using an MPX10DP differential pressure sensor and i am working with an Arduino Mega 2560. Honestly, i have ...
Jesus Arduinos's user avatar
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Arduino with bmp280 sensor not entering void loop

I've been working on a project in which I need to know my altitude. For this purpose I've been using the BMP280 sensor. But I have an issue. I've been trying to test if the sensor works with the ...
Leko Mleko's user avatar
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How to pause the analog value according to input signal applied to a particular digital pin?

I'm working with a digital blood pressure meter using arduino nano. I need to display the pressure reading during inflation and deflation of the cuff instantly. And when an input signal applied to a ...
Mstar3's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Pressure Switch 4-20mA

Im working on a project trying to read the pressure value from an Allen Bradley Pressure Transmitter 836P-D2NFGB20PA-D4 Ser.A However the pin configuration that comes on the description along with ...
Jorge_Garza's user avatar
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I2C Communication with the ICM-20789

I am trying to interface with the ICM-20789 over I2C. DataSheet I have been successfully able to get all three gyroscope readings and all three accelerometer readings. I am now trying to get the ...
M.Schindler's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Control Air Pump Depending on Pressure Sensor [closed]

I am working with an Arduino Mega, a 12V micro air pump, and a MP3V5050 air pressure sensor. The sensor outputs an analog voltage depending on the pressure reading in an inflatable member. I'd like to ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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Unsure how to get pressure data from MCP3424

I am having trouble reading data from an MCP3424 chip, specifically the one from this website: I have a pressure transducer that connects ...
TyB's user avatar
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2 answers

Arduino Force sensitive Resistor with an lcd

So we were asked to do something with a force sensitive resistor so naturally i thought of a project which takes the name of the main component which is force and applies it ,mine works by as you ...
Underhanded CODE's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to track a pressure sensor from analog inputs? [closed]

I am a beginner with arduino. I have been researching pressure sensors composed of 2 conductors that sandwich a layer of velostat. My understanding is the velostat when compressed creates resistance ...
Matt Macy's user avatar
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Can I track 70 pressure sensors from Arduino Mega?

I am a beginner at Arduino which I just received in the mail. My understanding is my Arduino Mega has 54 digital inputs and 16 analog inputs making for 70 inputs all together. I would like to track ...
Matt Macy's user avatar
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5V Pressure sensor module with 3.3V ADC

I'm using ESP32 to read analogue pressure readings from this pressure transducer. My Problem is this sensor outputs 0.5V – 4.5V linear voltage output based on the pressure but ESP32 can only handle 0 -...
Prasad De Zoysa's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to add additional sensors [Arduino]

I am new to Arduino. I have currently connected a FSR sensor to the TOUT pin of ESP WROOM-02. How do I add additional FSR sensor to ESP WROOM-02?
helpanoobpls's user avatar
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Analog Read gives Erratic behaviour in Struct

I'm getting some very strange behaviour from a Haptic feedback system I'm trying to make. The test code works fine as a Multiple-In One-Out in the main loop, but once I moved the code to the Struct, I ...
Minothor's user avatar
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1 answer

4-20 milliamp to volts to pressure maths

I am measuring pressure in bars from OsiSense™ XMLP pressure sensor (4-20 milliamp) on a arduino uno. When the machine im measuring pressure on is switched off the reading is 0v as expected. When the ...
resolver101's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Reading 4 to 20ma pressure sensor using uno

I have a OsiSense™ XMLP pressure sensor that I want to read from my Arduino uno. This is the circuit I am looking at building for measure 4 to 20 milliamp. I've read online to find out how to build ...
resolver101's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Reading pressure sensor using Arduino analog

I'm using a Arduino Uno to read pressure and I want to know if I have wired/coded the sensor correctly. I'm not sure I'm getting the correct readings (it could be the right readings - I just want to ...
resolver101's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Force Sensitive Resistor OverLoad

I've got just a simple question. What happens when I overload Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR). Example Here. Let's say that it's got force sensitive range between 100g and 10 000g. What would happen ...
CMAZE's user avatar
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3 answers

Using Multiple identical sensors - Beginner [closed]

I'm trying to make an interactive installation where I have 6 pressure pads that each control an Air Fan. The pressure sensors ideally will be on chairs. I would like the changes in pressure to ...
JASP's user avatar
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Pressure Sensor-MPX10DP with amplifier and Arduino UNO - output to kPa

I'm working with an Arduino UNO. I'm trying to use this Sensor to obtain the pressure in kPa. I'm using a tl084cn to amplifier the signal. But I don't know what values I'm getting and what to do with ...
exsnake's user avatar
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Is there a manometer available to use with Arduino?

I used an analog manometer in a plumb system. I would like to actually track information about water pressure across an entire building on different points and record all this information to analyze ...
bruno.bologna's user avatar
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Press on pressure sensor once, turn on LED for 6 seconds

I am working on a project where I would like to press on a pressure sensor (0-1024) once and turn on the LED and turn off by itself after 6 seconds. I am quite new to arduino and I can't seem to ...
sseo's user avatar
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CRC test fail on MS5803-14BA pressure sensor - what can I do?

Problem: I bought two MS5803-14BA sensors and I soldered them myself to a SOIC-8 PCB to be able to use them. Only one sensor is used in my circuit. To access it, I use an Arduino Pro Mini 8MHz/3.3V ...
rvbarreto's user avatar
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3 answers

Run motor for a set amount of depending of Pressure Sensor

I'm a noob when it comes to time-based coding. I have a pressure sensor which shows me readings for when someone is sitting on a chair. I want to turn a motor for 2 seconds when the pressure ...
Akif Manzoor's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Using Arduino to detect when a sensor is on and off and display time elapsed

I would like to know if I can use a pressure sensor with an Arduino. The code will detect when the sensor is on, will start a timer, stop when the sensor is off, and display the time elapsed. Here is ...
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