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Questions tagged [arduino-motor-shield]

An extension board for Arduino which provides functionality for controlling DC/stepper motors and other inductive loads (such as relays and solenoids).

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1 answer

Problem adding IR receiver to smart car

I’m making a smart car using an arduino uno, sensor shield v5, motor control with a L298N and a servo motor + HC-SR04 ultrasound sensor. I want to add a IR receiver on the board so I can also control ...
AugustinS's user avatar
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2 answers

6 V high-torque servo won't function with motor shield

I have only ever been able to get this servo to “somewhat” work when connected to the 5 V pin on the shield, the ground on the shield, and the signal line attached to whatever pin. But 5 V is not ...
ConnorC's user avatar
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Motor Shield Enable and Input Pins

Hello, I am new to the Arduino UNO board and am trying to make a dc motor run using the MATLAB software. The motor is connected to the motor shield board in a similar way shown in the picture below (...
KnightRider's user avatar
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AfMotor Shield Library does not work with template programming

I am able to move motors using AfMotor Shield Library. ( ) Like : AF_DCMotor insertionMotor(1); AF_DCMotor pumpMotor(2); void setup() { ...
embeddedstack's user avatar
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Adding L293D motor shield to Breadboard

Anyone knows how to attach the l293D motor driver shield on a breadboard? I need to put the shield on top of a breadboard and then use an Atmega328P as the main way of controlling it. Than you :)
August Exner's user avatar
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2 answers

motor driver only works on one side:

I have 3 motor drivers and all 3 other them only seem to only work on one of the 2 sides. I have used a voltmeter to check the voltages across the each of the 2 sections on each motor driver. For all ...
DigitalRookie4's user avatar
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How to use this specific arduino shield

I am trying to understand how to wire this Arduino Uno shield properly. My goal/main questions: I have 6 servo motors and I am trying to wire them properly to this shield. Do I need an external ...
Yulian Prodanov's user avatar
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MC33926 Brushed Motor Driver (Shield/Carrier)

How can I use a MC33926 Motor Driver like it is offered for Arduino to drive forwards, backwards with a PWM and a direction control. The problem is that the MC33926 has Inputs IN1 and IN2 and not PWM ...
cat's user avatar
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Serial communication problems

When I run this script serial communication just stops after a random period of time. There is no error it just stops outputting data and does not respond to inputs in IDE. Does anyone know a fix for ...
kiranmclernon's user avatar
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how do i make stepper stop if both sensors are LOW ? im using a adafruit l293d motor shield

I've tried this code below but it doesn't stop it just rapidly switch direction that it looks like it's trembling I think because it always reads the void startF/R thats why it's trembling . I need ...
Exes's user avatar
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I need help with my final year project

I am building a project using bluetooth control as well as an ir sensor. The logic behind my program is when I press a key I want my robot to execute a series of program and while the program is ...
Krutarth's user avatar
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Arduino motor shield not compatible with nodemcu

Hi to all first of All my english is not good I brought Arduino motor shield and n..d. E.p 8266 but the connect pin are not compatible how i will connect to node i want to make robo car
Zulfi Ali ahmed's user avatar
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Motors not working with a motor Shield

Got a Duratech motor shield today, and I'm wondering why my motors do not run. Appreciate any help. The code I am using is the Adafruit sample code, Motorparty. The servos work however the motors do ...
Unknown Beast's user avatar
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My car only moves when it is plugged directly into both my pc and battery pack?

i built a car that works with four motors,one motor driver(specifically the l293d),the arduino and the battery pack with four AA-Batteries. The motors work fine though, but they only work when it is ...
adham's user avatar
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Stepper Motor Inconsistent Jittering

I am trying to run a stepper motor using an Arduino stepper motor shield like the Adafruit V1 motor shield. In my code I am just trying to get the motor to rotate forwards and backwards. When I first ...
NinjaOtt3r's user avatar
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How do I make my motors speed change?

I'm using an Adafruit V1 Motor Shield for coding two 12 volt DC motors. In my code I'm changing the set speed, but the motors still seem to be going the same speed, which is really fast, and I want ...
user71592's user avatar
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2 answers

L293D motorshield with batteries doesn't power Arduino

Recently I came across a video about a guy building a remote Bluetooth-controlled Arduino car and I was quite amazed. So I decided I wanted to build it too. I have no Arduino or electronics experience ...
Yestli's user avatar
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How to make motors start when pressing a button, and then go through a cycle with a specific motor order?

I'm very new to arduino and have to work on a project for school. We have connected 3 motors (Servo, Stepper (180 degrees) and a DC motor) to an Arduino Uno, Adafruit motorshield and a pcb. With the ...
VKwochi's user avatar
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CNC Y-axis stepper moving forward but not in opposite direction

I'm building an CNC mill with an Arduino UNO with a CNC Shield V3. But I have a problem with the Y motor direction. It only moves in one way while the X motor is moving both ways. When I just ...
TOO's user avatar
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How to connect arduino mega 2650 and motor driver shield with seperate powers source?

I am building a robot that runs only when a matching rfid tag is identified..for that i need motor driver shield for running the motors and rfid module. The problem is if i attach the motor driver ...
Arjun's user avatar
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Combining an NRF24L01 transmitter/receiver with an Adafruit Motor Shield V1?

I'm making a vehicle project as a way to learn Arduino. I've set up motor control for a number of DC-motors plus a servo via an Adafruit Motor Shield V1 that I picked up. Everything works fine, but ...
hexamon's user avatar
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Whatever components we connect to the Arduino, their grounds and 5v pin connection must be the same?

I am trying to connect different types of sensors & motors to the Arduino should I make their grounds and 5v pins on the same connection.
Amit Nikhade's user avatar
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3 answers

L239D motor driver not able to drive motors

I am making a line follower robot. The issue is trying to make the motors run. The L239D module has 4 input pins (to control two motors), 4 output pins (to drive motors), and 6 power pins (5V, 5V, GND,...
Mokka Naresh's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to calculating requirements of power supply for a project

I am starting with electronics and been working with Arduino for some time now. I did some basic LED and servo motor project and was hoping to jump into making an obstacle-avoidance car. I used 4 AA ...
Kakar's user avatar
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Unable to use ir receiver and motor shield together

#include <IRremote.h> #include <AFMotor.h> AF_DCMotor motor(1); int RECV_PIN = 14;//The definition of the infrared receiver pin 11 IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN); decode_results results; void ...
Reghunaath A A's user avatar
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motor driver shield covering ports for ultrasonic sensor

im new to arduino and am making an arduino car. the motor driver shield covers the ports (am connecting an ultrasonic sensor) and i know that we can connect it to the 'holes' on the motor driver ...
V2ube's user avatar
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Motor does not work for a specific case when programming with L293D motor driver shield

I tried to make a car that moves using a 4x4 keypad. Pressing "12" unlocks the car and sets the motors to move forward. After that, if I press 4, the speed of the left motor is reduced to ...
Raghav Arora's user avatar
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Adafruit v2.3 Motor Shield Initialization Failure

I would appreciate any help solving this as I have spent several hours trying to debug. My code seems to stop when I get to the initialization of the motor shield. motorShield.begin(); #include <...
sbair's user avatar
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How does the motor shield determines how much voltage to supply to a motor?

Can i connect 6v DC motor and 12v DC motor, or 6v DC and 12V stepper to adafruit motor shield v1, and an external 12v power supply? also, how does it determine how much voltage needs to be supplied ...
vikrant's user avatar
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Vary the Speed of Motor

I am trying to control the speed of motor through VFD using 4-20mA signal. I generate the 4-20mA signal using Arduino.I use low pas filter to obtain the voltages from Arduino PWM pins as shown in the ...
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Will L293D arduino shield lose functionality if I connect it with jumpers instead of mounting on arduino?

I'm new to arduino and have bought a L293D motor driver shield which have no heads on the pins. I looked at the pinout and it seems that shield does not use any of the pins "by default". So will it ...
kaktus_car's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Motor for a winch (with controller and external power supply)

I'm in need of a motor or continuous servo to power a winch. The motor must be continuous* and reversible, but it does not need to be fast, precise, nor bear a load when powered off. It just needs to ...
Anti Earth's user avatar
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Motor driver shield l239D should be giving enough power but it doesn't

I am doing a line follower robot using motor driver shield l239D stacked with an Arduino uno to run 2 DC motors and two infrared sensors. I am supplying 12V to the motor driver shield trough three ...
Noslen's user avatar
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Im having another problem with my code the error is "redefinition of 'AF_DCMotor motor'? [duplicate]

Heres the code #include <AFMotor.h> AF_DCMotor motor(1, MOTOR12_8KHZ); AF_DCMotor motor(2, MOTOR12_8KHZ); AF_DCMotor motor(3, MOTOR34_1KHZ); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial....
Tommy's user avatar
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I have a question,an error occured in my code saying TIMSK was not declared in the scope(There are no errors)

#include <SmartInventor.h> void setup() { SmartInventor.DCMotorUse(); } void loop() { // M1, M2, M3 // CW, CCW, STOP // 0-100 // 0-360 SmartInventor.DCMotor(M1, CW, 10); delay(...
user64079's user avatar
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Problem with PWM pins on Arduino uno [duplicate]

I am working on an Arduino Uno Project of a car with two motors. The motor driver board is an L9110 H-Bridge. Here is how everything is connected: And here is the code I am trying to run: //Define ...
Kyriafinis Vasilis's user avatar
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Motors working with Ultrasonic Sensor and Servo as expected?

So, I tried making an Arduino Project(Controlling Motors by Remote and Ultrasonic Sensor would activate Servo when the distance is less than 50cm). I am trying to build a project, A remote controlled ...
Mutant101was_here's user avatar
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Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Shield controlor motor L293D

I am a beginner with Arduino. I wanted to make an Arduino obstacle avoiding. So I ordered last week an L293D Shield Motor Driver and I don't know if what I receive is a good item. The first picture is ...
Ana Niorba's user avatar
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Error to work in reverse VNH2SP30

ım building a rover and ı using Johson 12v Dc motor and VNH2SP30. My code and motor works perfectly but my motor driver works only one way. It cant go to reverse and motor starts buzzing when it tries ...
Baha Burak Çevik's user avatar
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3 answers

motor shield directly to PC? WITHOUT ARDUINO!

Is there a way to connect and control motor shield board WITHOUT Arduino at all. can i connect it directly to my PC ? i'm getting confused since i red lot of topics that people use existing pins on ...
Glitch Fish's user avatar
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Adafruit motorshield v2.3 not working

I want to connect my adafruit motor shield v2.3 to a touch board from bare conductive so that the motor turns when one of the electrodes is touched. I've tested the touch part and that isn't a ...
Nick's user avatar
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can't power up arduino from dc jack

Yesterday I was working on Arduino based bluetooth car. I was using adafruit motor shield v1. Arduino and shield were on same power supply(11v li-ion cell battery). Every thing was fine. I decided to ...
muhammad shahzaib's user avatar
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How to Work Two Linear Actuator Synchronously by Using Arduino and VNH5019 Motor Driver?

I am newbie and I want to build a project that contains two linear actuator that move synchronously. Two of them will lift up and down at same time. I use arduino mega and VNH5019 motor driver. I have ...
sapphire's user avatar
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Powering Motor shield and Arduino Mega Separately

I'm trying to build a fire fighting robot, that uses 2 BO DC motors, 2 Servos - MG996R and SG90. For them I'm using Motor Shield v1 of Adafruit's make that uses 2 L293D IC's and a 74HC595 shift ...
buneShot's user avatar
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Arduino powered from motor shield and USB issue

I am using an Arduino (Elegoo) Mega with Motor shield to drive a digital train set. The Motor shield is powered from a 12v 1.1 amp dc power supply and I have the Arduino plugged into my laptop via USB....
kenjara's user avatar
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Is My Motor Shield Broken?

So I am trying to work on a mini battle bot project. However, it has been a while since I have worked with my Arduino electronics. So I am going through and learning how to do each thing before ...
Bob G.'s user avatar
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Using an L298N driver together with servo motors on the same arduino

I'm using an L298N driver (powered by a 12V, 1.5A adapter) on a MEGA Sensor Shield (powered by a USB cable). Everything works fine and I can control the direction and the speed of the DC motor, ...
Andrej's user avatar
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Unable to control servo with decoupling capacitor and external power supply, but motor shield works

I'm a hobbyist trying to up my arduino and electronics knowledge. I can successfully control a hobby servo using an motor driver shield ( but ...
GoodNamesTaken's user avatar
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Is there an Arduino motor shield library?

I have an old motor shield but can see the revision 3 is still being sold: When I follow the link for "Getting Started section" the page lists a lot ...
AJP's user avatar
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Servo not moving

I have connected my servomotor (MG996R) to my L293D motor shield, which is connected to an Arduino Uno R3 Board. I use 4x AA 1.2V NiMH batteries to power the shield, and a regular 9V battery to power ...
Riemann's user avatar
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