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2 votes
2 answers

Arduino Reset via Software (every day)

Dear Stack Exchanger's, I want to reset my Arduino and system in every 24h for preventing frozen software and also other connectivity stuffs. I wrote a program which connects a digital pin to reset ...
Felix Pursian's user avatar
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2 answers

run a function for a certain amount of time! [duplicate]

i'm working on a project where i need to run a function for 20 minutes and the function writes to memory using EEPROM every minute. How can i make the function run for 20 minutes, i was thinking of ...
rohithrathod banoth's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can't use millis() instead of delay

I am making a home coming/leaving light for car. First I want that whenever I press the car key lock, a timer will start for 10 seconds. And if I press a button twice within 10 seconds, pin 13 will ...
aadesh dahiya's user avatar
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1 answer

Function Millis() Arduino

I would like to make a countdown with arduino. To do this I'm using the millis () function, but I have a problem, I can not reset this. Reading on the internet I read that it is not possible to do ...
user3465752's user avatar
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2 answers

Issue in long ON OFF timer using millis()

I have 3 components: a relay and two LEDs...I want two timers using Arduino... In timer one, relay should be off on; one LED is off; and other is on...In second timer, relay is off; one led is on; ...
Tehseen's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Use timer0 without affecting millis() and micros()

I'm writing a library which needs an ISR to turn off an LED some time after it was turned on. Since it's all about turning an LED on and off it doesn't need to be very precise. On the other hand I ...
noearchimede's user avatar
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2 answers

Press on pressure sensor once, turn on LED for 6 seconds

I am working on a project where I would like to press on a pressure sensor (0-1024) once and turn on the LED and turn off by itself after 6 seconds. I am quite new to arduino and I can't seem to ...
sseo's user avatar
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3 answers

Managing timer intervals using millis at random intervals

I am doing a project which needs to meet the following specifications. On receiving an SMS arduino will start switching 1st relay on after some time duration(say 30 Seconds) relay 1 will be ...
Lokanath's user avatar
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