I have 3 components: a relay and two LEDs...I want two timers using Arduino... In timer one, relay should be off on; one LED is off; and other is on...In second timer, relay is off; one led is on; other is off...
This is my Code:
//const unsigned long onTime = (2 *3600000); // 2 Hours in miliseconds;
const unsigned long onTime = (3 *1000); // 3 seconds;
//const unsigned long onTime = (5 *60000); // 15 minutes;
//const unsigned long offTime = (0.5 *3600000); // 1/2 Hours in miliseconds;
const unsigned long offTime = (2 *1000); // 1 seconds;
//const unsigned long offTime = (5 *60000); // 5 minutes;
const unsigned long start_delay = (5 *60000); // 5 minute in miliseconds
// Tracks the last time event fired
unsigned long previousMillis=0;
// Interval is how long we wait
int interval = onTime;
// Used to track if relay should be on or off
boolean relayState = true;
void setup()
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //Relay
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); //LED Green for ON
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); //LED Red for OFF
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Relay Off
digitalWrite(3, LOW); // Green LED off
digitalWrite(4, LOW); // Red LED OFF
//delay (start_delay); // wait for 5 minute
void loop()
if (relayState == true)
// Relay ON
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // Relay ON
digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // Green LED ON
digitalWrite(4, LOW); // Red LED OFF
if (relayState == false)
// Relay OFF
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // Relay Off
digitalWrite(3, LOW); // Green LED Off
digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // Red LED On
// Grab snapshot of current time, this keeps all timing
long currentMillis = millis();
// Compare to previous capture to see if enough time has passed
if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - previousMillis) >= interval)
// Change wait interval, based on current relay state
if (relayState)
// Relay is currently on, set time to stay off
interval = offTime;
// Relay is currently off, set time to stay on
interval = onTime;
// Toggle the relay's state
relayState = !(relayState);
// Save the current time to compare "later"
previousMillis = currentMillis;
Now issue is; when I make timer for seconds like OnTime is 3 second and offTime is 1 second... It works perfect... But timer for hours or minutes does not simply works... it does not switch state from on to off... It constantly remains on... What could be the problem... Thanks!