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Questions tagged [dht22]

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1 answer

Incorrect reading from DHT22 (on a Nano board)

I have rigged two different DHT22 sensors to an Arduino Nano board. Both temperature readings are more or less comparable but they produce very different humidity readings. The sensors are: Sensor No....
nick's user avatar
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Which temperature sensor is accurate?

I have an Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect with two temperature sensors. A DHT22 is connected to D2 and pulled up with a 5 kΩ resistor to 5V, and a LSM6DSOX IMU is built in to the board. Here's my code: #...
Ryland Goldman's user avatar
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Reading from DHT22 with Arduino, powered by external source

I have the following situation. When I power my DHT22 with the 3.3V from the Arduino UNO (and Ground it there), then I can read the data perfectly fine using the DHT library from Adafruit. However, ...
zwep's user avatar
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2 answers

DHT22 sensor reading code interprets negative values weirdly

The following code reads the DHT22 temperature and humidity values, assuming the pin value as the sensor's host pin. When the temperature drops below 0°C, this code returns inadequate values in the ...
Starter's user avatar
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Convert float to byte, from Arduino to Raspberry Pi i2c

I'm trying to send the temperature value from the DHT sensor to a raspberry pi through I2C. Which is the best way to do it?. The temp value is a float, and I think I have to convert it to byte and ...
Guille's user avatar
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DHT11 sensor not working on ESP8266, no response

recently Ive set up an ESP8266 to control temperature and humidity in rooms, for this Im using DHT11 sensor, thats the basic code I have in order to check functionality in Arduino IDE #include "...
Sparkm4n's user avatar
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My DHT22 module doesn`t work at all

I had bought this DHT22 module on AliExpress. The module looks fine, but it does not work at all. I had tried lots of sketches, I tried to change the pin, I tried to change the cables, but I always ...
Starter's user avatar
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Why do random characters fill up my Arduino LCD Display?

I am making a water pump system for plants and I am running into trouble with displaying my Temperature and Humidity values. I am using a 20x4 LCD, Arduino board uno, Capacitive soil moisture sensor, ...
Varun Poondi's user avatar
1 vote
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DHT11 analog or digital?

I saw some projects with DHT11, some connect it with analog pin, others connect with digital pin. Is there any difference / advantage connecting to the analog?
wesWWW's user avatar
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Reading DHT22 reboots arduino

I’ve got a quite weird behavior of DHT library. I’ve got DHT22 sensor. If it’s signal cable is not connected, reading the sensor causes a problem: Arduino reboots or hangs in unpredictable places. ...
zhekaus's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

To control the relay switching in nextion using esp32 Microcontroller

I have developed the code to control the relay switching on/off using nextion display and esp32. But whenever I press my dual state button in the nextion display there is some delay and I need to ...
Abhishekh Aaron's user avatar
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How to add calibration to a humidity contoller using UNO and DHT22 sensor?

I am using a setup that helps controlling humidity in an enclosure used to store a humidity sensitive product. My original posting is here. I'm using a NANO and a DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor ...
kwhunter's user avatar
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How to obtain the type of DHT sensor

I made a simple temperature controller on DHT11. I want it to work with DHT22 as well having the same code. However, I can’t find a way how to get known what type of sensor is installed. Is there a ...
zhekaus's user avatar
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Comparing a text string to text output (DHT22)

Lately I've received a DHT22 sensor. I've started to create a small temperature and humidity monitor station. One of the things I noticed was if you pulled out the sensor while in use, it displayed "...
Hoseasack's user avatar