I have the following situation. When I power my DHT22 with the 3.3V from the Arduino UNO (and Ground it there), then I can read the data perfectly fine using the DHT library from Adafruit.
However, when I connect the DHT22 to my own external power supply (and respective ground), it fails. The reason for using this external power supply is so I can hook it up to a ESP8266 later.
The power supply I build uses a 5V adapter, then an LD33V converter and (just for experimentation) an 100nF capacitor to reduce any noise on the line. I measured this external power supply and it indeed gives off 3.3V after the LD33V. I check the datasheet of the LD33V and it should be able to 'give' 5mA, whereas the DHT22 needs less than 1mA for operation.
I don't know where to look at this moment. Can someone point me in the right direction? Much appreciated :)