I am configuring the arduino IDE to be able to compile and upload sketches for the arduino wavgat uno R3. I have installed the Arduino IDE, as well as the required drivers for the board. I also have downloaded the zip containing the "hardware" and "librairies" folder that i copied into the "Arduino" folder.
In the IDE, I can select the wavgat uno R3 as a board and the board is detected by the IDE.
However, when I try to compile any sketch, I get the following error message :
avr-gcc: error: C:\Users\henry\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\F2EF7F804783EB75A0A6457CF6D8C244/core\core.a: No such file or directory
exit status 1
Compilation error: exit status 1
I seems to be a problem related to the compilation. Is there something related to the compilation for the wavgat uno R3 that I forgot ?
Thank you in advance