As a complete newbie, after much looking for the best bargain, I ended up buying one of these UNO R3 clones, without realizing it had the chip soldered on the board. It looks like this:
It works OK for development, but after that I want to get rid of the Arduino board and just use the Atmega with the minimum set of components on the final project.
As far as I understand, two tasks need to be acomplished here:
- Program the bootloader on the spare Atmega328P
- Upload code to the spare Atmega328P
Acording to this tutorial, I should be able to accomplish 1) with my "Arduino" board and a breadboard, but after that I couldn't upload any programs to that same Atme328P as the original microcontroller from the "UNO R3" should be removed and that can't be done on rip off.
Does anybody know of a method to accomplish 2) with my current setup? I also have one of those USB-to-serial converter (FTDI) boards. According to this other tutorial that can be done using it and some components, but I'd like to avoid that if, let's say, there's some trick like disabling the RX and TX line from the soldered chip by software so the external chip ones could be used instead...