I'm using a NodeMCU board to send commands to my home electricity switching box - using RS485 communication.
For that, I've connected MAX485 TTL-to-RS485 converter module to my TX and RX pins.
Currently, I can see the serial commands (that my program sends via RS485) also on my Serial monitor (in Arduino IDE), because the CH341 on the NodeMCU is bridged to the serial pins of it.
My problem is that if I want to send debug strings to my Serial monitor (like 'time was updated using NTP') - the RS485 bus will get them also.
I found some documentation about second TX pin available that can be used for debug messages, but I have 2 questions:
- Will it be a HARDWARE port? I don't want to load another library and deal with software Serial ports.
- Is there a way to get its output via the USB cable connected between the NodeMCU and my computer? Or will I have to connect another USB converter externally to that port to get its output into computer?
Many thanks!