I wrote serial.println in my code but the string was printed in same line on serial moniter.

#include <WiFi.h>//for connecting esp32 to a wifi

#include <TinyGPS++.h>//to obtain gps data from neo-6m gps module 

#define WIFI_SSID "Airtel_pawa_4182"//wifi name in simple words
#define WIFI_PWD "Ahuja6230"//wifi password

TinyGPSPlus GPS;//creating a gps object from tinygps++ library

void setup() {
  //wifi setup{
  WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PWD);
  Serial.println("connecting to wifi");
  while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){
  Serial.println("Successfully connected to ");

  //gps setup{
  Serial.println("ESP32-GPS Tracker");

void loop() {

In this code the string "esp32-gps tracker" is printing just after the previous string in same line on serial moniter.

I tried running code again and again but it didn't work...

I am using esp32 board(just a detail)

What do i do?

  • 1
    You need to be way more specific for your question to be answerable. Same line? Same as what? Please, post a minimal testable sketch showing the issue, tell us what you expected as an output, and tell us what the actual output was. Commented Mar 30 at 11:18
  • @EdgarBonet done
    – Yug Ahuja
    Commented Mar 30 at 11:30

3 Answers 3


The previous print statements are these:

  Serial.println("Successfully connected to ");

The SSID won't be terminated by a newline. Perhaps you meant:

  Serial.print("Successfully connected to ");



To follow on from previous answer, your solution is to either:

  • change the previous Serial.print() to a Serial.println() so that that text is followed by a line end, or
  • add a \n to the front of the line you are having the problem with, so it starts with a new line, to make up for the "missing" new line in the previous Serial.print().
  • 1
    For consistency with what Serial.println() does, you should add "\r\n", not only '\n'. If you ever use a terminal emulator instead of the Arduino serial monitor, a bare '\n' will likely move the cursor one line down while staying on the same column. Commented Mar 30 at 12:00
  • Depends on your operating system. In Linux a newline advances to the start of a new line. On Windows YMMV. It's very common in Linux code to use \n for a newline when outputting and not \r\n, which may in fact put some weird character (the carriage-return character) in your terminal window.
    – Nick Gammon
    Commented Mar 31 at 8:08
  • @NickGammon: On a Linux terminal, a \n alone is a vertical-only cursor movement. When a program outputs \n, the tty driver converts it to \r\n before it reaches the terminal. This should become clear if you try to use a terminal with this output post-processing disabled (stty -opost). A serial communication program like picocom, by default, disables all tty driver processing: the bytes from the Arduino reach the terminal unaltered. This plays well with Serial.println(), as it ends the line with \r\n. Commented Mar 31 at 10:20

When sending text through a serial line, it is customary to terminate each line with some sort of end-of-line marker: you print some text, and immediately after it the EOL to signify that “this is now a complete line”. Accordingly, the Serial.println() method prints the requested text, immediately followed by the EOL marker (in this case, CR+LF).

From your question, you seem to be thinking that the EOL immediately precedes the text. This is not the case.

See JRobert's answer for the correct way to build a line from multiple print statements: println() should be use on the last piece, not on the first one.

  • Yes. Nice explanation. Now I know where I mistook. I thought that by using "print.ln()", the string will be printed in new line(I got this info from google). But it isn't like that print.ln is for terminating a line and starting a new line
    – Yug Ahuja
    Commented Mar 30 at 12:05
  • Jrobert's comment was the first one to mark my mistake so I declared it as answer. But I also thank you for the explanation
    – Yug Ahuja
    Commented Mar 30 at 12:08
  • 1
    @YugAhuja println not print.ln you need to be very specific when coding.
    – Nick Gammon
    Commented Mar 31 at 8:09

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