I need to post a big json to the nodemcu server which would be bigger than the ram's size
I am using esp8266werserver and arduinojson libraries. I know how to use arduinojson to parse huge json response from other servers by parsing the response as a stream using response.getstream() . I can reuse a small static buffer in the stack to parse the whole json in a loop which performs really well.
But when I use nodemcu as a server, I can't find any similar method in the ESP8266WebServer to allow me to process json response as a stream. All I can only do is to read the string file in server.arg("plain") which may crash as the string may get bigger than the ram.
Is there a quick and dirty workaround? I look at the source in parsing.cpp there is a readBytesWithTimeout method that seems to be responsible to actually parsing the response stream. I am wondering if I may override this function to do what I need but I don't know how.