I have a microcontroller: ATMega328P
I don't have any Arduino Uno board
I want to program the ATMega328P
using my FTDI programmer
But when I try to program the ATMega328P
without Arduino
board I always get this error:
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
I've followed this YouTube Tutorial to build this.
And ended up with this diagram:
All the connections seems OK.
I choose the board: "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini"
because only with this one I can choose the correct processor: "ATMega328P (5V, 16MHz)"
The port is correct: "/dev/ttyUSB0"
And as for the the programmer I've choose: "USBasp"
, which I don't know if this is correct. I've used this FTDI programmer
to program the STM32 microcontroller
and the programmer was "Serial"
, which I don't see the very same option here.
I'm lost, what am I missing up here?
BTW I've seen this, this and this but couldn't get it fixed.