The Bootlader
If you want to burn the bootloader to the standalone AVR that you will be using, you can do so using a programmer like the USBasp
. Or, you can simply use the Arduino itself to do this.
- Open the
sketch from File > Examples.
- Upload it.
- Push
on the Arduino.
Wire it up
Next, wire up the AVR on a breadboard as shown here: Arduino ISP
- If you are using a variant/derivative, use a crystal that matches the crystal on your board. You might have
trouble if you don't.
- Add a 10uF capacitor between
on the Arduino, if you are using Uno, or something similar.
Burning the Bootloader
Then select Arduino as ISP
as the programmer.
- Goto Tools > Programmer.
- Select Arduino as ISP.
Now click on Tools > Burn Bootloader.
Verifying it all works
Once that is done, open the Blink LED example and try uploading it to the AVR. You have to use the Upload using Programmer
option from File > Upload using Programmer. You can verify if it is successful, by connecting an LED to pin 19
of the AVR, and checking if it blinks.
Remember that the pins on an AVR don't map to the corresponding pins on the Arduino, even if they are both the same chips. Search for "AVR to Arduino pin mapping" for your chip on Google. Here's the ATMega8 to Arduino pin mapping.
Don't forget to connect the ground lines of the AVR and the Arduino.
This worked for me using an ATMega8A-PU. It should work with the 8L too.
Post here if you have any problems. Glad to help :)